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Wind Energy. Wind Energy - the energy generated by wind.

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1 Wind Energy

2 Wind Energy - the energy generated by wind

3 Wind energy in history As early as 3000 B.C., people used wind energy for the first time in the form of sail boats in Egypt. Sails captured the energy in wind to pull a boat across the water. The earliest windmills, used to grind grain, came about either in 2000 B.C. in ancient Babylon or 200 B.C. in ancient Persia, depending on who you ask.

4 Various types of wind turbines Wind farms Vertical-axis wind turbines Helix wind turbines

5 How does it work? Rotor blades - The blades are basically the sails of the system; in their simplest form, they act as barriers to the wind. When the wind forces the blades to move, it has transferred some of its energy to the rotor. Shaft - The wind-turbine shaft is connected to the center of the rotor. When the rotor spins, the shaft spins as well. In this way, the rotor transfers its mechanical, rotational energy to the shaft, which enters an electrical generator on the other end. Generator – Converts the energy from the rotor sending it down power lines for distribution

6 See how it works environmental/green-science/wind-power2.htm On the website, scroll down to this image and click on the “next” button.

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