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Publish and Disseminate Your Earth Science Activities on the Web The Digital Library for Earth System Education and The Geological Society of America.

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Presentation on theme: "Publish and Disseminate Your Earth Science Activities on the Web The Digital Library for Earth System Education and The Geological Society of America."— Presentation transcript:

1 Publish and Disseminate Your Earth Science Activities on the Web The Digital Library for Earth System Education and The Geological Society of America

2 Holly Devaul DLESE Program Center Bryan Aivazian DLESE Community Center Chris McLelland The Geological Society of America

3 Overview DLESE and GSA are working together to publish and disseminate teacher- authored lesson plans Overview of DLESE and GSA education efforts Process to submit, post and catalog your lesson to support increased access


5 Why use a digital library? Provides efficient discovery of quality materials Provides safe environment and “boundaries” on the web Acknowledges the current reliance on the Internet for information  “About 75 percent of students said they used the Internet first, then went to a professor or librarian for assistance, and consulted print sources last.”

6 Earth system education Emphasizes interdisciplinary approach to science Includes processes, states, cycles, and interactions among the atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and space from a global to local perspective, across time scales Highlights materials that bring the Earth system into the classroom or learning situation, and that demonstrate the application of science to solving real world problems

7 What does DLESE offer? Learning resources about the Earth System, contributed and described by educators and scientists  Lesson plans, computer and lab activities, instructor guides, visualizations, virtual field trips…  Themed and reviewed collections  Interfaces and tools to allow exploration of Earth data sets (coming soon!)

8 Using DLESE Support existing curriculum and get new ideas  Search by national educational standards (state stds under development)  Read and contribute teaching tips and reviews  Access background material Community connections  Attend workshops, summer institutes, and events  Learn about funding sources  Participate in discussion groups on a wide range of topics

9 Browse by subject, grade level,resource type or collection… How do I find resources?

10 Browse Geology 1247 returns

11 Refining your search...Add grade level and resource type




15 The Geological Society of America The mission of GSA is to advance the geosciences, to enhance the professional growth of its members, and to promote the geosciences in the service of humankind.

16 GSA’s Teacher Advocate Program Striving to improve the teaching of the geosciences by getting TEACHERS excited about geoscience.

17 GSA Education and Teacher Resources

18 Other GSA education services Explore GeoScience CD-ROMs - teacher resources written for teachers by teachers on a range or earth science topics including volcanoes, plate tectonics, geologic time, climate change, earth cycles, etc. Teacher GeoVenture GSA’s Teacher GeoVenture Trips – join fellow teachers for geology oriented field trips this summer to exciting geologic locales such as Hawaii, Iceland, the Badlands, the Ghost Range of New Mexico, and Mt. St. Helens (2005). Outstanding Earth Science Teacher (OEST) Awards are presented by NAGT administered by the Geological Society of America (GSA). This is a yearly award that recognizes excellence in earth-science teaching at the pre-college level.

19 Support for teacher-authored curriculum Acknowledge the value of teachers’ classroom experience and tested activities Provide web hosting for small-scale developers without server access Expand the distribution of quality materials

20 Submission process Obtain lesson plan template from GSA website (Word doc) Submit to GSA, where it is converted to pdf (Acrobat Reader) Posted to GSA Education website with unique URL Cataloged by DPC staff and made discoverable in DLESE

21 Lesson plan template TITLE: TOPIC: GRADE LEVEL: CONTENT OBJECTIVE & SHORT DESCRIPTION: CONTENT STANDARD: Click here to select the appropriate standard(s) for your lesson. RESOURCE TYPE: (I.e., Lesson Plan, Lab Activity, Classroom Activity, Computer Activity) TIME REQUIRED: MATERIALS NEEDED: DIRECTIONS FOR INSTRUCTION/ACTIVITY: EVALUATION: LESSON PLAN AUTHOR & CONTACT INFO: Please include name, school, address, and email address. Click here to select the appropriate standard(s) for your lesson.

22 One teacher’s experience: Why submit my resource? Recognition  Letter from GSA to your school or district supervisor  Authorship noted in DLESE and GSA Eligible for DLESE reviewed collection (Community Review System, CRS) Teaching tips can enhance use Collegial collaboration

23 How does the review process work? Multiple review systems but all address: Scientific accuracy Pedagogical effectiveness Ease of use for students and faculty Complete documentation Power to inspire or motivate students Robustness/sustainability as a digital resource Importance or significance of topic

24 Submit a teaching tip or review

25 Read a teaching tip or review information

26 Contributing to DLESE Submit an individual resource, teaching tip or review Develop a collection Nominate a resource for review Participate in DLESE Annual Meeting  10-13 July 2004


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