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Native Americans of South Carolina. I. Native Americans A.The Native Americans that lived in what became South Carolina were known as the Eastern Woodland.

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Presentation on theme: "Native Americans of South Carolina. I. Native Americans A.The Native Americans that lived in what became South Carolina were known as the Eastern Woodland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native Americans of South Carolina

2 I. Native Americans A.The Native Americans that lived in what became South Carolina were known as the Eastern Woodland Indians. B.They were called this because they lived in the forests in the eastern half of North America

3 II. Food A.They were hunters and farmers B.Used spears of sharp rock/animal bone and bow and arrow 1.Sometimes used fire to drive out animals or clear land for farming

4 C.Used simple tools such as a hoe made of bone for farming D.Women were the principle farmers 1.Main crops were corn, pole beans, and squash (known as the “three sisters”) 2.Also grew pumpkins and tobacco

5 III. Use of nature A.Used rivers for food and transportation B.Used rocks, wood and pelts to make tools for hunting, farming and building C.Homes were built from natural resources such as tree bark and animal hides

6 IV. Tribes A.Anthropologists group Native Americans by different language groups: 1.Iroquoian: Cherokee 2. Siouan: Catawba 3. Algonquian: Yemassee 4.Muskhogean: Shawnee

7 B.The three most important tribes of South Carolina were the Cherokee, Catawba, and Yemassee. C.These tribes shared their history and culture through oral storytelling.

8 V. The Cherokee “The Real People” A.Lived in the foothills and Appalachian mountains of South Carolina. B.Very powerful nation and lived in villages up to 600 people surrounded by palisades for protection. C.Each village had a holy man or woman, a White leader during peaceful times, and a Red leader during times of war.

9 VI. The Catawba “The River People” A.Lived along the rivers of the Piedmont region in villages surronded by palisades. B.Lived in wigwams made of sapling frames covered with bark or mats of grass. C.Each village had a council house where rules were made.

10 VII. The Yemassee A.Moved from Spanish Florida to South Carolina, near the mouth of the Savannah River, to escape the Spanish governor. B.During the summers they lived on the beach in wigwams covered by palmetto leaves

11 C.During the winter, the Yemassee lived farther inland in homes like the Cherokee D.The Yemassee later fled to Florida after the Yemassee War with European settlers.

12 VIII. European and Native American Relationships A. Native Americans were initially friendly with European settlers. b.Europeans and Native Americans traded furs and deerskins for iron, tools, weapons, and guns.

13 c.As the population of settlers grew, they took over native peoples’ land, cheated them in trade, and forced some of the natives into slavery. d.This led to hostilities and wars between settlers and Native Americans.

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