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Ch. 12 Questions. Round 1 1.What is the practice of rewarding political backers called? 2.The Webster-Hayne debate was about what GENERAL issue? 3.How.

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1 Ch. 12 Questions

2 Round 1 1.What is the practice of rewarding political backers called? 2.The Webster-Hayne debate was about what GENERAL issue? 3.How did the Native Americans try to fight the Indian Removal Act? 4.This political party was created as an insult to President Jackson? 5.This man ran the 2 nd National Bank.

3 Round 1 Answers 1.Spoils System 2.State Rights/ Power between federal & state gov. 3.Take the government to court 4.Whig Party 5.Nicholas Biddle

4 Round 2 1.This Native American tribe was involved in the Trail of Tears. 2.This man is the first to die while serving as president. 3.This policy required gold/silver payment for land. 4.The “corrupt bargain” was between what two men? 5.This man was in favor of state rights and created nullification laws.

5 Round 2 Answers 1.Cherokee 2.William Henry Harrison 3.Specie Circular 4.Clay and Adams 5.John C. Calhoun

6 Round 3 1.In this famous Senate debate, this man argued for a strong federal government. 2.What famous quote did Jackson make about John Marshall’s ruling? 3.Why was the North in favor of higher tariffs? 4.This was the first state to threaten secession. 5.This man perfected a writing system for the Cherokee.

7 Round 3 Answers 1.Daniel Webster 2.”John Marshall has made his decision…now let him enforce it.” 3.Made importing goods more expensive. 4.South Carolina 5.Sequoya

8 Round 4 1.This term means: Increase of money supply; decrease in value of money 2.Why did Southerners oppose the high tariffs? 3.Give a principle of Jacksonian democracy. 4.Who was the Massachusetts political leader who was a strong nationalist? 5.Seminole warrior who used guerrilla tactics

9 Round 4 Answers 1.Inflation 2.Any of the following: Seen as helping the North; Hurt the Southern imports; Made the South lower the price of cotton 3.Any of the following: 1.Government by the people 2.Democracy in social, economic, and political life 3.Limited Government but with a strong president 4.Championed the cause of the farmer and the laborer in an agricultural and industrial society 4.Daniel Webster 5.Osceola

10 Round 5 1.This man was the winner of the 1824 election. 2.This state attacked the Cherokees after the Supreme Court ruling. 3.These states were part of the Indian Territory. (Give all 3.) 4.This president broke the tradition of having wealthy, ivy-league educated presidents. 5.How was the South Carolina secession issue resolved?

11 Round 5 Answers 1.John QUINCY Adams (If they wrote John Adams, it is WRONG!) 2.Georgia 3.Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska 4.Andrew Jackson 5.Henry Clay came up with compromise tariff.

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