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Option LEAPS Economic Timing By Jason Schwarz. Buy and Hold.

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Presentation on theme: "Option LEAPS Economic Timing By Jason Schwarz. Buy and Hold."— Presentation transcript:

1 Option LEAPS Economic Timing By Jason Schwarz

2 Buy and Hold

3 Economic Timing Warren Buffett, "I would consider a year in which we decline 15% and the Dow declines 30% to be much superior to a year when both we and the average advanced 20%." Steve Jobs, "You have to intercept a moving train."

4 Since 2000

5 Economic Weather Fear GDP Retail/consumer Employment Housing Leading indicators Corporate revenue growth Earnings estimates

6 Investment Vehicle LEAPS Strike price (out/in the money) Premium (intrinsic value + time value + volatility value) Expiration date

7 Option LEAPS Stock replacement Diversification Tool for hedging Great way to make money, not keep money

8 Rules for Improving Economy Fully invested Proper allocations Seek leadership Buy index on a selloff Double down by increasing risk Take profits Buy in anticipation of catalyst events Watch the economic weather!

9 Rules for Worsening Economy Cash is home Buy dips sell rips/defense. Beware of falling knife Identify downward leadership Be leery of high premium-investors take liquidity profits Cautious puts Slippery One year expiration Watch the weather!

10 Current Conditions www.economictiming.c om www.economictiming.c om

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