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Review for test on Chapter 9 Expansion of Democracy Democracy expanded in the 1820s as more Americans held the right to vote.

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2 Review for test on Chapter 9

3 Expansion of Democracy Democracy expanded in the 1820s as more Americans held the right to vote.

4 Sectional Differences Increase  Regional differences grew during Jackson’s presidency. Economy based on: North- manufacturing South- farming.

5 Jackson attacks the Bank Jackson disliked the Bank of the US Felt it was controlled by, and only helped, the wealthy

6 States’ Rights Debate States’ Rights Debate VP Calhoun argued that a state had the right to nullify, or cancel, a federal law it considered unconstitutional Vice President John C. Calhoun

7 The South hated the tariff!  The Nullification Crisis happened because of this…South Carolina threatened to secede

8 Native Americans Resist Native Americans Resist  Other Native Americans (besides the Cherokee) resisted removal, but with force  Other Native Americans (besides the Cherokee) resisted removal, but with force.

9 Black Hawk lead the Sauk and Fox people against American forces to take back their homeland in Illinois  Indians defeated and slaughtered Black Hawk

10 Seminoles are the only Native Americans to successfully block their removal Seminoles are the only Native Americans to successfully block their removal Indian chief Osceola leads them to victory Osceola

11 Second Seminole War

12  Used guerilla tactics to win Guerilla tactics: making surprise attacks and then retreating back into the swamps and forests After 7 years of fighting, the US gives up and allows them to stay The Seminoles fought with run away slaves

13 Clickers ready These points will be added to your test grade

14 1. Who benefitted from the expansion of voting rights? B. people in 2 political parties C. women D. American Indians A. White men without property

15 2. Arguments over this sparked the nullification crisis. B. bank operations C. a national tariff D. economic depression A. states’ rights doctrine

16 3. Attempts to ruin an opponents reputation with insults is known as… A. being impolite. B. dirt throwing. C. a landslide. D. mudslinging

17 4. Northerners supported tariffs because it helped them compete with… A. politicians B. manufacturers from other countries C. farmers D. Manufacturers in the South

18 5. An overwhelming victory is known as … A. winning by mudslinging. B. winning by a mudslide. C. winning by a landslide. D. winning by a veto

19 6. The South opposed tariffs because they B. lowered prices for the North C. stopped all imported goods D. stopped manufacturing A. increased the prices of goods they wanted to buy

20 7. When Jackson hired his own supporters, this was called the B. machinery of politics C. Suffrage System D. Spoils System A. Landslide Plan

21 8. Southerners were against a tariff and called it Tariff of Abominations. A. True B. False

22 9. To nullify a law means … A. to cancel the law. B. to agree to the law. C. to secede. D. to vote on the law. CANCELED

23 10. VP Calhoun argued that a state had the right to nullify, or cancel, a federal law it considered unconstitutional A. True B. False

24 11. Which state said they wouldn’t pay the new tariff and passed the Nullification act? A. North Carolina B. South Carolina C. VirginiaD. Georgia

25 12. Andrew Jackson was compared to a King because he used the veto so often. A. True B. False

26 13. President Jackson supported the ruling of John Marshall and allowed the Cherokee to stay in Georgia. A. True B. False - Jackson ignored Marshall’s ruling and forced the Cherokee to move to Oklahoma.

27 14. Native Americans were sent west to the Indian Territory in present day ______? A. South CarolinaB. Oklahoma C. Georgia D. Kentucky

28 15. What was the States’ Rights Doctrine? A. states lost all power B. states had only some power C. federal power was greater than state power D. state power was greater than federal power

29 16. Andrew Jackson was against nullification act. He thought it was wrong. A. True B. False

30 17. Which Native American tribe was the only group to successfully block their removal? A. the Cleveland Indians B. the Seminoles C. the Cherokee D. The Choctaw E. I don’t know Osceola led the Seminoles to successfully block their removal

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