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Cherokee Native Americans

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1 Cherokee Native Americans
Ally Skelton Clay Rosser Emma Grace Wooten Ashley Collins Ryan Fordham

2 Habitat Cherokee Indians lived in the Southern Appalachian mountains.
They lived in beautiful villages along riverbanks. You could find the Cherokee Indians in Tennessee, Northern Georgia, and Alabama.

3 Homes Cherokee Indians lived in log houses
Before the Europeans arrived the Cherokee Indians lived in an area of the south Eastern which is today the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Tennesse

4 Clothing The Indians wore capes made out of rabbit fur, wolf fur and deer skin. The Cherokee Indians clothes were made out of deerskin and plant that were woven and then the women made there clothing. The men painted and tatooed there body for hunts and fights.

5 Food The Cherokee Indians grew corn ,beans, lower squash,pumpkin and sunflower seeds. The women picked the food. The Cherokee Indian also hunted animals such as deer, rabbit, turkey, even bear.

6 Customs They had great care for nature and they asked the spirits of the sun, moon, stars, plants, animals and elements to help them in chants moving around a fire.

7 Tools and Weapons They had traps ,bow and arrow

8 Art They wove baskets made out of grass. They had deer skin masks.

9 Interesting Facts The Cherokee Indians had a flag with yellow stars and a orange background. A man named Sequoia invented the Indian alphabet. The Cherokee Indians never built totem poles like the other Native American tribes. The Indians became fishermen, gathers and hunters.

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