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UI Lab. 류 현 정 Ecological Interface Design: Progress and challenges Kim J. Vicente, University of Toronto.

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Presentation on theme: "UI Lab. 류 현 정 Ecological Interface Design: Progress and challenges Kim J. Vicente, University of Toronto."— Presentation transcript:

1 UI Lab. 류 현 정 Ecological Interface Design: Progress and challenges Kim J. Vicente, University of Toronto

2 Ecology  4 metatheoretical commitments in human factors  Reciprocity of person and environments  Representative design of experiments and evaluations  Primacy of perception  Start with analyzing

3 The goal of EID  improve user performance and overall system reliability for anticipated and unanticipated events in a complex system  more cognitive resources, higher cognitive progress  one-level-at-a-time display led to the fastest detection times.

4 Two Key concepts  the abstraction hierarchy (Rasmussen, 1985)  How and why relationships  Means-ends links  Work domain Analysis  Functional purpose  The goals & purpose of the system  Abstract function  Underlying laws & principles govern the goals of system  Generalized function  Explain the processes involved in laws & principles  Physical function  The physical components or equipment associated with the processes  Physical form  The condition, location, physical appearance of components

5 Two Key concepts  the skills, rules, knowledge framework (Rasmussen, 1983)  Three types of behavior or psychological processes present in operator information processing  Skill-based behavior  Very little or no conscious control  Rule-based level  Use of rules and procedures to select a course of action in a familiar work situation  Knowledge-based level  More advanced level of reasoning

6 Progress  Does EID Improve Performance?  EID lead to better performance than contemporary interface (Reising & Sanderson, 1998)  Be localized to more complex tasks  Why Does EID Improve Performance?  Not attributable merely to differences in visual form (Ham & Yoon, 2001b)  Functional information is critical (Ham & Yoon, 2001a)  Abstraction hierarchy analysis

7 Progress  How can EID Be Leveraged?  Model-based training (Hunter, Vincente, Tanabe, 1996)  Self-explanation (Howie, Vicente, 1998)  Videotaped replay  Verbal protocols  Wholist cognitive style (Pask & Scott, 1972)  Relational thinking ability

8 Application  many proof-of-concept tests showed EID can be applied to large-scale problems.  not all of the information will fit on one display or monitor  In aviation, EID was not sure to apply.  network management, Software engineering, Medicine, Command & Control, Information retrieval

9 CHALLENGES  Time and Effort to Conduct the Analysis  Multimodal character  Visual form, audio channel  Sensor noise & Failure on performance  Not only EID But also Integrated Systems Design  Critical Analysis is needed

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