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Morocco & Austria: 2 different cultures By: Fatima-Zahra Kerdoudi & Herbert Petz.

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Presentation on theme: "Morocco & Austria: 2 different cultures By: Fatima-Zahra Kerdoudi & Herbert Petz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Morocco & Austria: 2 different cultures By: Fatima-Zahra Kerdoudi & Herbert Petz

2 Languages in Morocco Classical Arabic: official language. Berber: spoken in rural areas. French: Morocco’s 2 nd language. Spanish: spoken in the northern part. English: basics are thought in all public. schools from 4th year on.

3 Religion & Family values Islam: practiced by most of Moroccans Moroccan family values: most significant unit of the Moroccan life.

4 Meeting Etiquette Greetings Hand shakes General customs

5 Relationship & communication Business etiquette and protocol Business Meetings Business negotiations

6 Business cards Business cards are given without formal ritual. Have one side of your card translated into French or Arabic. Present your card so the translated side faces the recipient.

7 Dress code Formal and conservative.


9 Language in Austria German: official language. Different Dialects: but in whole Austria understandable

10 Religion & Family values Roman Catholic: 73,6% Protestant: 4,7% Muslim: 4,2% Austrian family values: It is very important but especially in good educated families

11 Business cards Business cards are given without formal ritual Titles are very important (Dr., Mag.) Business cards are very uncomplicated been given

12 Parameters for AUSTRIA Low context  Austrians tend to be independent, and expect many relationships, but few intimate ones. High context  But Austrians have a strong sense history & tradition

13 … Power distance:  High in Austria Ascription – Achievement  Achievement counts a lot in Austria Individual – Collective  Collective in a lot of situations celebrations

14 … Truth – virtue  Truth counts a lot Hierarchy – equality  Austria is more hierarchical than equal

15 ... Masculine vs Feminine  Still masculine but its changing Affective vs Neutral  AUSTRIA is more or less neutral


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