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Introducing the Dutch Elasmobranch Society. Shark & ray biology makes them vulnerable to overfishing and habitat destruction Over 40% of European sharks,

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing the Dutch Elasmobranch Society. Shark & ray biology makes them vulnerable to overfishing and habitat destruction Over 40% of European sharks,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing the Dutch Elasmobranch Society

2 Shark & ray biology makes them vulnerable to overfishing and habitat destruction Over 40% of European sharks, rays and chimaeras face an elevated risk of extinction Top predators play on essential role in maintaining a healthy and diverse ecosystem W HY FOCUS ON ELASMOBRANCHS ?

3 W HAT ARE YOUR OBJECTIVES ? “The Dutch Elasmobranch Society has as its primary purpose: to carry out, facilitate and encourage scientific research on sharks and rays, and in this way add to the knowledge base necessary for (inter) national policy, management and conservation of cartilaginous fish. The main focus of the association is on the species in Dutch waters (including the Dutch Overseas Countries and municipalities) and the species caught by the Dutch fishing fleet” (NEV 2010)

4 MSFD CFP RFMOs CMS CITES CPOA FPAs N2K Deep Sea OSPAR ICES W HAT DO YOU WORK ON ? MSFD: Marine Strategy Framework Directive N2K: Natura2000 OSPAR Convention ICES: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea CFP: Common Fisheries Policy Deep Sea regulation CPOA: Community Plan of Action for Sharks RFMOs: Regional Fisheries Management Organisations CMS: Convention on Migratory Species CITES: Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species FPAs: Fisheries partnership Agreements


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