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Chapter 7 Community Interactions. 5 types of community interactions Competition Commensalism + 0 Mutualism + + Parasitism + - Predator/Prey.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Community Interactions. 5 types of community interactions Competition Commensalism + 0 Mutualism + + Parasitism + - Predator/Prey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Community Interactions

2 5 types of community interactions Competition Commensalism + 0 Mutualism + + Parasitism + - Predator/Prey


4 Rattlesnakes vs Coral Snakes Competition Coral snakeTimber rattlesnake

5 Competition Competitive exclusion principle Resource Partitioning

6 While we are at it: MIMICRY KING SNAKE (Mimic)CORAL SNAKE (Model)

7 mimicry PhoturisPhotinus

8 Mutualism

9 Commensalism Vultures +Lions 0

10 Parasitism Trichinosis +Humans -

11 Predator/Prey SheepWolves


13 Competition Snowy egretHerring gull

14 Commensalism Whales 0Barnacles +


16 Mutualism Algae +Coral +


18 Fig. 5-7, p. 107 Resource use Species 1Species 2 Number of individuals Region of niche overlap Species 2Species 1 Number of individuals

19 Fig. 5-8, p. 107 Cape May Warbler Stepped Art Blackburnian WarblerBlack-throated Green Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Bay-breasted Warbler

20 Communities and Ecosystems Change over Time: Ecological Succession Natural ecological restoration – Primary succession No soil in a terrestrial system No bottom sediment in an aquatic system – Secondary succession

21 No soil in a terrestrial system No bottom sediment in an aquatic system Early successional plant species, pioneer Midsuccessional plant species Late successional plant species

22 Primary Succession

23 Secondary succession

24 1988 Yellowstone fires

25 PARASITISM MUTUALISM COMMENSALISM ___________________1. Epiphytes such as orchids. ____________________2. Tapeworm in a mammals gut. ___________________3. Bees pollinating flowers. ____________________4. Mistletoe in oak trees. ____________________5. Mycorrhizae and plant roots. ___________________6. Tick on a dog.

26 PRIMARY OR SECONDARY SUCCESSION ____________________7. Establishment of a community in a lifeless area ______________________8. Newly formed volcanic island. _____________________9. Abandoned farm field. ____________________10. A community of organisms has been disturbed ____________________11. Natural or human caused fires. __________________________12. A relationship in which one species obtains its nourishment by living in, on or near another species for an extended period of time. 13. Which of the following would BEST exhibit primary succession? a. rock exposed by a retreating glacier b. a clear cut forest c. an abandoned farm field d. a forest that has been burned

27 Buzz Words 1. Bad for the environment (9 letters) 2. Leading cause of species decline (2 words) 3. Living components ____________ are not to be confused with non-living components ______________. 4. Poisons for insects are not to be confused with nutrients such as 10-10-10.

28 HOMEWORK By Wednesday Read page 162-167 STOP at reproductive patterns. Why is veteran's day always on November 11?

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