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Washington State Archives June 2010 Presented by: Megan Bezzo Electronic Records Management Consultant Basics of Records Retention Washington State Archives.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington State Archives June 2010 Presented by: Megan Bezzo Electronic Records Management Consultant Basics of Records Retention Washington State Archives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington State Archives June 2010 Presented by: Megan Bezzo Electronic Records Management Consultant Basics of Records Retention Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

2 Overview Basic Records Retention Requirements Records Retention Schedules Putting it into Practice Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

3 Basic Records Retention Requirements Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

4 What is a Public Record? For the purposes of retention and destruction, two criteria: 1.Regardless of format; 2.Made or received in connection with the transaction of public business (RCW 40.14). For public disclosure, refer to RCW 42.56. Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

5 What needs to be kept? No public records shall be destroyed until approved for destruction by the Local Records Committee. (RCW 40.14.070) Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

6 Who is the Local Records Committee? Established under RCW 40.14.070 Comprised of: 1.State Auditor representative 2.Attorney General representative 3.State Archivist Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

7 Approval for Destruction Local Records Committee grants approval in the form of records retention schedules. Records retention schedules describe: –Type of records approved for destruction; –Minimum period for which they need to be retained; and –Which records also have archival value. Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

8 What are Archival Records? Records determined by the State Archivist as having permanent and enduring historical and/or legal value. Typically only 2-5% of records have archival value. Listed on Records Retention Schedules. Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

9 What do Local Agencies do with Archival Records? Archival records must not be destroyed. Local Agencies must either: a)Keep the records themselves indefinitely; OR b)Transfer the records to Washington State Archives (at no cost). Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

10 What about Non-Archival Records? 1.Retain for the minimum retention; THEN 2.Destroy. Records subject to current public disclosure requests or litigation (current or reasonably anticipated) must not be destroyed. Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

11 “Born Digital” Records Electronic records must be retained in electronic format … for the length of the designated retention period. Printing and retaining a hard copy is not a substitute for the electronic version. (WAC 434-662-040) Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

12 Why Printing Doesn’t Work Metadata associated with “born digital” records establishes and preserves the authenticity of the record which is the evidence of the transaction it documents. Printing electronic records (e.g. emails) preserves the informational content but not the authenticity of the record. Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

13 Digitized Records Conversion to an imaging system does not automatically authorize the destruction of the source documents for which images have been created. Requires “Destruction After Digitization (DAD)” approval. (WAC 434-663-600) Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

14 Records Retention Schedules Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

15 Which Schedule do I Use? Local Government Agencies use both: 1)Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE); AND 2)Sector-specific records retention schedules. Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

16 Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy


18 Database




22 CORE and LGGRRS Schedules

23 Sector Schedules

24 Putting Retention Into Practice Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

25 Get rid of what you don’t need Much of what crosses our desks and our screens has little to no retention value. Apply “Records with Minimal Retention Value” (GS50-02) to: –Secondary copies; –Preliminary drafts; and –Informational / transitory material. Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

26 Organize to Destroy Up to 98% of records are non-archival. These records will need to be destroyed someday. It is more efficient (and therefore cheaper) to organize now rather than putting it off. Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

27 Destroying Non-Archival Records Destroy non-archival records at end of their minimum retention period. Document destruction of public records: –Work with your Agency’s Records Manager –Sample Destruction Logs available at: Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

28 Transfer Archival Records Is your agency achieving it’s mission by using resources to preserve and provide access to records indefinitely? Washington State Archives exists to do this on your behalf & save you money. Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

29 Transfer Archival Records If it is archival and don’t need constant access, then consider transferring. Best care for records and still accessible. Develop a regular transfer cycle for ongoing archival records (such as minutes, ordinances, etc). Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

30 In Summary… Agencies need to: 1.Retain all public records for at least the minimum retention period as listed on the approved Records Retention Schedule. 2.Destroy non-archival records at the end of their retention period. 3.Continue to retain, or transfer to Washington State Archives, all archival records. Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

31 Stay Informed with What’s New Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

32 Advice, Training, Updates

33 Local Government Listserv

34 X

35 Training Calendar

36 Training, Classes, Workshops

37 You Are Not Alone Washington State Archives is here to help. For advice and assistance: Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

38 Washington State Archives: Partners in preservation and access Thank you! Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy

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