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Gerrymandering One contiguous district in Illinois…

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1 Gerrymandering One contiguous district in Illinois…

2 Warm Up: From your homework reading, answer the following question. How did the Wesberry v. Stanford decision of 1964 affect redistricting?

3 Aim: How does gerrymandering skew congressional districts? Questions that you need to answer… How can people use gerrymandering to disenfranchise groups? – (note: geographic & demographic manipulation) How does Gerrymandering damage our democracy? Explain. And, how can this system be reformed?

4 Introduction Today, we will focus on the issue of political redistricting. Gerrymandering and the system of redistricting is subject to a wide range of abuses and manipulation that encourages incumbents to draw districts which protect their seats rather than risk an open contest… We will play “The ReDistricting Game” to experience the realities of this system. This game will introduce you to the redistricting system, allow you to explore ways in which abuses can undermine the system, and provide information about reform initiatives.

5 Task Your job is to explore the different aspects of the redistricting system: Fundamentals Partisan Gerrymander Bipartisan Gerrymander Voting Rights Act Reform As you navigate through the game, try to answer the following questions: How does Gerrymandering damage our democracy? And, how can this system be reformed?

6 Process Go to the following link to get started with the game. You will first want to start on the “resources” page. This will provide you with additional information. Use the ‘learn more’ and ‘quotation’ tabs to uncover more information. THE GAME: Resources Page:

7 Conclusion How can people use gerrymandering to disenfranchise groups? How does Gerrymandering damage our democracy? And, how can this system be reformed? *Be prepared to hand-in your findings at the end of class.

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