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Water and Transportation Audits. Part 1-Transportation Audit You have started the 2 Day audit of miles traveled by car or plane Questions on audit? You.

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Presentation on theme: "Water and Transportation Audits. Part 1-Transportation Audit You have started the 2 Day audit of miles traveled by car or plane Questions on audit? You."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water and Transportation Audits

2 Part 1-Transportation Audit You have started the 2 Day audit of miles traveled by car or plane Questions on audit? You will do calculations once all data is collected

3 Part 1: Homework Application How does your water use compare? You were asked to look around your home to find all the places water is used, and brainstorm on how to determine flow-rate and load volumes

4 Part 1: Homework Application Calculating Water Usage Flow-rate= gallons/minute ex. Watering lawn, taking shower, sink Gallons per event ex. Toilet, load of laundry, dish washing How can we find this data? Is there one answer?

5 Collecting data flow rate In pairs thinks about how you could measure the flow rate of water in your sink, using what you have at home? As a class share ideas -come up with an agreed upon class procedure for calculating sink flow rates -can this procedure be used with all flowing water?

6 Figuring out gallons used in appliances How and where can we get this information? Turn to your partner and brainstorm As a class, let’s come up with an agreed upon procedure

7 Energy Use and Hot Water During our energy audit we did not account for the energy it takes to heat water Will need to calculate

8 Raw data sheet for water Here’s the raw data sheet for water from our discussion Are we missing anything?

9 Part 2-Transportation Audit Finalized In pairs calculate the gallons used for 1 car per year You will finish the rest of the calculations on your own

10 Part 2: Homework Application How do we use water at home? ater_use_today.html

11 Part 2: Water Audit Finalized Checking flow rate conversion Calculating total gallons Figuring out per capita water use/year

12 Part 2: Homework Application How does our water use compare? U.S. average =88 gallons/person/day -USGS 2010

13 Water use in other countries Your readings describe the limited and unequal distribution of fresh water, so we will compare our use to other countries. world-factbook/fields/2202.html world-factbook/fields/2202.html Calculate the per capita water use from one other country on the list -each student must calculate a different country

14 Calculating Energy Use BTU = the amount of energy needed heat one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. To do this, you will need to: – Step 1: Figure out the temperature change of surface water to heated water in your home – Step 2: Convert gallons used to pounds of water used – Step 3: Calculate BTUs

15 Now… Convert for Step 1! Assume hot water in your home is 120 °F Current surface water temperature in Iowa is 23° C ( from Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit: (°C × 9/5) + 32 = °F

16 Convert for Steps 2 and 3 Step 2: 1 gallon Water=8.34 lbs (pounds) Step 3: BTU=Change in °F x lbs of water heated Step 4: 1 BTU=0.00029307107 kWh Now add this to your Energy Audit Data Sheet and recalculate your per capita

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