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W ATER USAGE EDUCATION By Katie and Katie. W HY IS W ATER U SAGE E DUCATION I MPORTANT ? People are unaware that water usage matters We need to conserve.

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Presentation on theme: "W ATER USAGE EDUCATION By Katie and Katie. W HY IS W ATER U SAGE E DUCATION I MPORTANT ? People are unaware that water usage matters We need to conserve."— Presentation transcript:


2 W HY IS W ATER U SAGE E DUCATION I MPORTANT ? People are unaware that water usage matters We need to conserve our water!! We need to be able to notify people, so they can change there habits

3 W HAT IS W ATER U SAGE E DUCATION ? Notifying people about water usage

4 US compared to other countries

5 W HO IS A FFECTED ? Everyone

6 W HAT W ILL H APPEN IF N OT A DDRESSED ? If we do not educate people now the problem will just get worst

7 P OSSIBLE S OLUTIONS FOR OUR S CHOOL ? Holding a meeting at school: address the problems about water usage Make posters Hold a meeting with parents

8 S OURCES Drink Tap. American Water Works Association, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. Gippsland Water. Gippsland Water, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2010.. "Shutter Stock Images." Shutter Stock Images. Shutter stock Images, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2010.. Power Point for water conservation

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