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COMMUNICATING IN THE WORKPLACE. What is Communication The activity of sending meaningful information.

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Presentation on theme: "COMMUNICATING IN THE WORKPLACE. What is Communication The activity of sending meaningful information."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Communication The activity of sending meaningful information

3 Communicating in the Workplace Negotiating; bargaining; persuading Greeting people; representing others to the public; selling Courteous telephone skills Reporting, conveying information; explaining issues or procedures Listening effectively Interviewing Preparing written materials Organizing and presenting ideas for formal and informal presentations Participating in group discussions

4 Importance of Effective Communication Cornerstone for establishing trust Cornerstone for new business and customer retention Increases productivity Many companies expend human and financial resources to train employees in communication

5 Three Main Forms of Business Communication Non-verbal Communication Verbal Communication Written Communication

6 Non-Verbal Communication

7 Nonverbal Communication Hand Gestures Facial Expressions Touching Body Language Eye Contact Turning your back to the speaker What Other Ways Can You Think Of?

8 What Are They Saying?

9 Non-Verbal Communication


11 Non-Verbal Communication in the Workplace Plays important role in workplace Particularly with customers 63-95% more impact that verbal communication Non-verbal cues indicate listening/interest Poor communication skills leads to low employee morale and conflict Effective communication skills leads to high morale and collaboration

12 Examples of Non Verbal Business Communication Nod of approval Thumbs up Pat on back Rolling Eyes Raising Eyebrows Frown

13 Activity Charades- A communication game where one party uses non-verbal communication to express a message to the recipient Instructions: Select a message from your marketing teacher that you will act out to the class. You must use NON-VERBAL communication. Absolutely NO WORDS!

14 Verbal Communication

15 Verbal Communication in Business Simplest form of communication Use language appropriate for audience Clear Voice Audible Respectful tone Active Listening Active Questioning as appropriate

16 Examples of Verbal Communication in Business Answering business phone/extension Receiving visitors Giving instructions Training Presentations Addressing/Participating in Meetings

17 De-Brief Students will respond on a piece of paper and submit before leaving: 1. Communication defined 2. Nonverbal Communication defined 3. How can nonverbal communication be expressed in the workplace? 4. What kinds of messages do you give your co- workers and employer through your ACTIONS?

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