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Middle School Matters What’s Important? 6th Grade Advisory Activity.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle School Matters What’s Important? 6th Grade Advisory Activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle School Matters What’s Important? 6th Grade Advisory Activity

2 Why does Middle School Matter? 1) Middle school builds on knowledge from elementary school and lays the foundation for a successful high school experience. 2) Middle school is a time to challenge yourself and explore extracurricular activities. 3)Middle school grades and testing determine the courses you will get into in high school.

3 Middle School Lays the Foundation If you didn’t learn how to add in first grade, would you be able to learn math in 6 th grade? If you didn’t learn math in 6 th grade, would you be able to do advanced math in high school? Learning is a PROCESS and it builds on a strong foundation. Middle school is about building a strong foundation for high school.

4 Explore Extracurricular Activities Try out new clubs, organizations, and classes that sound interesting. In doing so, you’ll: – Learn new skills and strengths – Meet new people – Increase your understanding of what you like and are interested in – Get ideas for what activities and organizations you might pursue in high school

5 Why does middle school matter? Which of the points of the video sound like something you might experience? (Click on picture to play video)

6 Points from the Video 1.Friends are important 2.Try new activities and clubs 3.Try not to get caught up in drama and things that aren’t important

7 The Power of Reaching Out Students will sometimes feel overwhelmed by work or not understand a lesson or assignment. When you feel that way, reach out for help: – Ask your teacher if he/she can help you during a free period, lunch, or after school – Seek out tutoring services or academic assistance if your school provides it – See your school counselor about your concerns – he/she is a great resource

8 Summary Middle school lays the foundation for a successful high school experience. Challenge yourself and explore extracurricular activities in middle school in order to know what you want to do in high school. The courses you can take in high school are determined by how well you do in your middle school classes.

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