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Survey about Entertainment. Freetime in our daily routine Children (our generation) Our parents Our grandparents -meeting friends -playing instruments.

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Presentation on theme: "Survey about Entertainment. Freetime in our daily routine Children (our generation) Our parents Our grandparents -meeting friends -playing instruments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Survey about Entertainment

2 Freetime in our daily routine Children (our generation) Our parents Our grandparents -meeting friends -playing instruments -sports -reading -cinema -shopping -sports -meeting friends -being outside -sports -meeting friends -reading -disco -learning -sometimes, they worked -photography

3 Freetime in our holidays Children (our generation) Our parents Our grandparents -journeys -relax -journeys -sports -scouts -sometimes journeys -camping sites -scouts -sports -sometimes job

4 From the milk bar to McDonalds Children (our generation) Our parents Our grandparents -at home -a lot of restaurants -at home -ice cream parlour -dairy man -milkbar -milkbar or dairy man

5 Children‘s birthday parties Children (our generation) Our parents Our grandparents -big program for friends -seldomly at home -sleepover -cinema -theatre -playing with friends and eating cake -family

6 Clothes and shopping Children (our generation) Our parents Our grandparents -in the shops -online shopping -in the shops (in the city) -hand made -in shops (city or village)

7 Going out for Entertainment Children (our generation) Our parents Our grandparents -sleepover -cinema -theatre -disco-cinema -dancing

8 Shopping on journeys Children (our generation) Our parents Our grandparents -family and friends get a present -local food or things -collecting shells

9 Guide books Children (our generation) Our parents our grandparents -evreyone takes one -everyone took one-maps too

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