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ALISON PRITCHARD DIRECTOR. The Government Equalities Office (GEO) is responsible for equality strategy and the legislative framework across government.

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2 The Government Equalities Office (GEO) is responsible for equality strategy and the legislative framework across government. We lead on policy relating to women, sexual orientation and transgender equality.

3 GEO ACHIEVEMENTS – EQUALITY FRAMEWORK Implementation of the Equality Act 2010 Reform of the EHRC, including the launch of the Equalities Advisory and Support Service Responsible for the Access to Elected Office for Disabled People Fund Supported the development of - shared parental leave, the new flexible working legislation and Equal Pay Audits ordered by tribunals Worked with DWP to appoint Older Workers Champion Undertook the PSED review

4 GEO ACHIEVEMENTS - GENDER Established and supports the Women’s Business Council (WBC) and their work programme Led action with BIS to improve the diversity of company Boards Advanced voluntary gender equality in business through the Think, Act, Report initiative Our body confidence programme, aims to tackle issues relating to body image and gender representation Working with Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) The women’s engagement programme

5 GEO ACHIEVEMENTS – LGB&T The UK has been recognised for the last four years as No 1 in Europe on LGB&T equality Implemented legislation to allow same sex couples to marry Launched with DfE, a £2m fund to tackle and prevent homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools

6 COMING UP International Women’s Day The Commission on the Status of Women in New York Shared parental leave On-line safety Carers in employment

7 ON-GOING CHALLENGES Encouraging women’s enterprise Working to eliminate VAWG and hate crime, and promoting safety Broadening civic participation Further narrowing the pay gap Changing culture and attitudes towards LGB&T people

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