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Feudal Nippon Chapter 12 Sec 4. Day 1 Warm-Up The Great Wave off Kanagawa, Katsushika Hokusai c. 1829 - 1832.

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Presentation on theme: "Feudal Nippon Chapter 12 Sec 4. Day 1 Warm-Up The Great Wave off Kanagawa, Katsushika Hokusai c. 1829 - 1832."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feudal Nippon Chapter 12 Sec 4

2 Day 1 Warm-Up The Great Wave off Kanagawa, Katsushika Hokusai c. 1829 - 1832

3 Setting the Stage Nihon “origin of the sun” Japan borrowed Ideas, institutions & culture from _____ Take ideas & make it uniquely their own

4 Geography Group of islands? Archipelago How many islands? 4,000 islands 4 main islands: Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, Hokkaido Not wide, but long 1,200 miles

5 Geography

6 Mountainous 70% Arable land 12% Major cities = along coast, except _______ Heian (Kyoto) Natural resources Limited

7 Natural Disasters Seasonal typhoons Plate tectonics & Ring of Fire Earthquakes Tsunamis Volcanoes

8 Ring of fire

9 2011

10 Mt. Fuji

11 Geography Island location Huge impact on Japanese culture 120 miles of sea b/w Japan & Korea 500 miles of sea b/w Japan & China What role does Korea play? K  bridge b/w J & C Obstacles: No major directional ocean currents Trip = difficult & dangerous Results: Semi-isolated Hard to invade Sea = source of food

12 Background Earliest inhabitants Ainu people – indigenous “Hairy People” Pushed north to Honshu and Hokkaido Paleolithic Age – migrations from land bridge (Korea) Hunter/gatherers Pushed Ainu north Suppressed religion and languge 250 BCE Farming 1 st century BCE Not unified nation 100s of uji (clans)

13 Uji Controlled own territory Each had its own chief Records indicate that some were women What does this tell us? Special god/goddess

14 Religion Thousands of local gods/spirits Name? Shinto Mean? “Way of the gods” Based on respect for? (2) Forces of nature Ancestor worship Kami  divine spirits Live in nature

15 Tomb Period (Kofun) 250 to 592 CE 150,000 3 main islands Reflection of status Daisan, Sakai city

16 Kofun Imported technologies (Korea) Earth moving & surveying Tombs’ contents reflected status Protective or magical Mirrors, swords/armor & jewels Haniwa (terracotta) Farming tools, farmers, warriors, dancers, servants, etc…

17 Emperors Yamato Clan Claimed? Divine origins Amaterasu  sun goddess By 400 CE Leading clan Control of trade Monopoly on technology By 600 CE Emperors


19 Yamato Society What is missing? Administrative structure Laws, bureaucracy, official ceremony No capital city No taxation Little control over outlying regions

20 Day 2 Warm-Up Describe the relationship between Japan, Korea, and China that we have studied up to this point.

21 Cultural Borrowings 5 th - 6 th Centuries Yamato Clan Attracted skilled craftsmen & Korean immigrants Iron working Buddhism  morals & magic Chinese writing Confucian thought

22 Group Assignment Classwork #1 “Cultural Borrowings” Bonnes, Coogan, Wright Danyo, Palczuk, Snyder, Mengers Ford, Udovich, Singley Dentinger, Dramis, Nielsen, Falasco

23 Art Tensho Shubun, Reading in a Bamboo Grove, 1446

24 Kepatsu

25 Historical Periods Periods are named after _______ 1 st permanent capital? Nara (710 to 784) Modeled after Chang'an or Xi’an (China)

26 Heian Period (794-1185) Moved capital from Nara to Heian-kyo (Kyoto) Buddhists too powerful & meddling Means Peace & tranquility Monasteries outside the city Separation of church & state

27 Heian Period (794-1185) Emperor? Yamato Clan Fujiwara Daughters married into imperial family Why? To gain access (power) Results: Emperor  rites & rituals Fujiwara power behind the throne

28 Emperors Strike Back Mid 12 th century “System of retired emperors” issue edicts w/ full imperial authority Results: Fujiwara influence  Fujiwara, reigning & retired emperors Vied for power Imperial succession = bitterly contested No primogeniture

29 Day 3 Warm-Up Recap: How did the Fujiwara try to exert their influence in the Heian Court, and what was the response of the emperors?

30 Minamoto Yoritomo (1147-1199) Shogun 1192-99 Capital moves to Kamakura Kamakura Shogunate (Bakufu) 1192-1333 Real power Rests on military strength Vassalage: Demanded absolute loyalty & service In return for land

31 Japanese Society

32 Samurai Means  “to serve” Code of Conduct? Bushido  “the way of the warrior” Ideal Qualities Loyalty Emperor of Daimyo Trustworthy & honest Frugal lives Fairness & generosity towards the weak

33 Samurai Combat fight alone, one-on-one call out his family name, rank & accomplishments Seek out worthy opponent killed  opponent Sever his head proof of his victory

34 Samurai Courage & fearless of death Death in combat is preferred Short glorious life preferred to uneventful or long life Symbol = Cherry blossom (sakura) Seppuku  ritual suicide

35 Tomoe Gozen

36 Kublai Khan & Japan

37 Mongols Kamikaze 1281 Bakufu thought M would be back Next 30 yrs Trained & built forts Mongols never came Short run: Made Bakufu stronger Long run: Ran out of land & bandits Downfall

38 Ashikage Shogunate 1335-1573 Shogun was weak Power was decentralized in the hands of numerous Powerful nobles & monasteries Daimyo Absolute rulers on their lands Turmoil and warfare were common Yet economy and culture thrived Flower arrangement, tea ceremony, Zen landscaping

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