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Review of decisions of the 64th meeting of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund Presentation by the Fund Secretariat Main Meeting of the National.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of decisions of the 64th meeting of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund Presentation by the Fund Secretariat Main Meeting of the National."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of decisions of the 64th meeting of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund Presentation by the Fund Secretariat Main Meeting of the National Ozone Officers from Latin America and the Caribbean Trinidad and Tobago, 4 to 7 October 2011

2 Overview of project approved at the 64 th Meeting (decisions 64/18 to 64/49) Investment projects and work programme activities valued at US $154.34 million million plus US $11.68 million in support costs 83 investment projects – 45 countries First tranches of 21 HPMPs – funding of $146,785,239 plus US $11,208,341 support costs Stage I of the overall HPMP for China for 2011 to 2015 to reduce 10 per cent of baseline (US $124,519,023 plus US $9,418,013 of support costs). 2 HCFC phase-out demonstration projects for China: solvent sector & foam Conversion from HCFC-22/HCFC-142b technology to CO2 with methyl formate co-blowing technology in the manufacture of extruded polystyrene (XPS) foam conversion from HCFC-141b-based technology to iso-paraffin and siloxane (KC-6) technology for cleaning in the manufacture of medical devices. Institutional strengthening - 22 countries including Colombia (US $275,600) Tranches of multi-year projects, preparation for the HPMP for DPR Korea, an demonstration project in ODS bank management and destruction in Georgia 2

3 HPMPs approved for LAC region – LVC and former LVC countries Saint Vincent & the Grenadines (LVC) to address the complete phase-out of HCFCs by 2025 (decision 64/38) Bolivia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia (LVCs) (decisions 64/27, 64/31, 64/32, 64/33, 64/36, 64/37) Stage I for the period 2011 to 2020 to meet 35 per cent reduction Trinidad & Tobago (former LVC) Stage I for the period 2011 to 2020 to meet 35 per cent reduction (decision 64/46) Approved on an exceptional basis - decision 62/11 allows former LVC countries with HCFC consumption in the refrigeration servicing sector only, above 360 mt, to meet control measures up to 2020. Trinidad and Tobago has consumption in the manufacturing sector 3

4 HPMPs (stage I) approved for LAC region – non LVC countries Brazil (decision 64/40) For 2011 to 2015 to meet the 10 per cent reduction Mexico (decision 64/45) For 2011 to 2018 to address 30 per cent of baseline – approval of stage I of the HPMP did not preclude Mexico from submitting, prior to 2015, a proposal to achieve phase-out of HCFCs beyond that addressed in stage I of the HPMP El Salvador and Uruguay Consideration of the HPMPs (stage I) was deferred to a future meeting 4

5 Policy issues addressed at the 64 th meeting - I HPMPs for more than 10 per cent of the baseline by 2015 continue to address on a case-by-case basis Treatment of countries with HCFC consumption between 361 and 400 metric tonnes in the refrigeration servicing sector whose maximum level of funding would be lower than that for countries with consumption of between 300 and 360 metric tonnes continue to address on a case-by-case basis Project proposals from countries with total HCFC consumption above 360 metric tonnes that included funding requests for refrigeration servicing sector activities instead of the manufacturing sector To address on a case-by-case basis 5

6 Policy issues addressed at the 64 th meeting - II Pursuant to decision 63/16, the flexibility provision under HPMPs in relation to technology changes and funding reallocation among sectors would be considered at the 65th meeting At the 64 th meeting it was applied on a case by case basis The Executive Committee agreed to continue the established practice of considering HPMPs containing estimated HCFC baselines that would be revised by the Secretariat once the actual baseline data (based on Article 7 data) were known Implementing agencies were requested to submit all future proposals for ODS disposal demonstration projects for LVC countries no later than the 66th meeting (decision 64/17) The Executive Committee wishes to obtain a clear overview of all projects so that the most appropriate ones could be approved 6

7 Consolidated progress report (decision 64/6) - I Governments that planned to complete RMPs, TPMPs and NPPs by 2012 were urged to make every effort to integrate those activities into HPMPs as appropriate includes Barbados, Haiti, Peru, and Suriname Agencies urged to expedite the signing of project documents/agreements to enable the initiation of approved HPMPs Requested governments of seven countries to expedite efforts to submit HPMPs as soon as possible to enable the initiation of activities to facilitate compliance with the 2013 freeze and 2015 control measures Preparation of a HPMP for Peru was approved at 55 th meeting but survey has not started 7

8 Consolidated progress report (decision 64/6) - II Governments of seven countries requested to expedite the completion of their individual CFC phase-out investment projects that were planned to be completed after 2011 Includes Colombia with respect to its MDI project Governments of 11 countries with outstanding preparatory activities for ODS disposal demonstration projects were requested to expedite the submission of their requests Includes Brazil, Colombia and Mexico Agencies and Fund Secretariat will discuss: exact nature, content and timing of status information to be provided in the progress reports Explore ways to further systematize and streamline reporting on progress to the Executive Committee across the spectrum of reports 8

9 Specific reporting requirements (decision 64/13) Agencies requested to submit to the 65th meeting complete progress reports on the implementation of NPPs and TPMPs that were due (decision 64/13(a)) Including Ecuador Agencies were urged to provide progress reports on 27 HCFC demonstration and investment projects (decision 64/13(h)) including those for Argentina, Colombia and Mexico 9

10 Report on implementation of disposal projects (decision 64/50) Agencies were requested to provide an update on the use of the guidelines to the Secretariat no later than the 69th meeting Report for the 70th meeting summarizing the experience gained and making recommendations for future action. In the meantime the Secretariat would continue using the interim guidelines, applying them also to pilot projects for LVC countries. 10

11 Production Sector (decision 64/53) Members of the sub-group: Argentina, Australia, China, Cuba, Japan, Kuwait, Switzerland, and the USA Following the progress made at the 64 th meeting, Excom decided to continue discussions at the 65 th meeting on: the guidelines for the HCFC production sector and implementation of decision 60/47 11

12 Implementation of Montreal Protocol activities in Haiti post the impact of the devastating 2010 earthquake The Executive Committee noted an interim report on the strategy and action plan to assist Haiti to return to the pre-implementation level of the Montreal Protocol submitted by UNEP in response to decisions 61/52 and 62/70. 12

13 Country programme data reporting (decision 63/4) At the 63 rd meeting the Executive Committee reviewed the usefulness of the country programme data web system The Executive Committee considered whether to make the submission of country programme data through the web-based portal mandatory but before making such a decision requested the Secretariat, in consultation with the implementing agencies, to identify the reasons for which so few countries had used the web-based portal (decision 63/4) The Secretariat modified the CP data reporting format for which would be effective for the submission of 2012 CP data due on 1 May 2013 excludes CFCs, CTC and halons includes relevant methyl bromide, TCA and HCFC Country programme data entry at - user names and passwords are available from the Regional Network team More information is available in a separate presentation available on request 13

14 Further information on Executive Committee decisions All decisions can be found in the final reports of the meetings of the Executive Committee – on A summary of decisions of each meeting is published following the meeting – on and distributed through CAP Multilateral Fund Secretariat always sends an official letter to countries following the meeting if any decision specifically pertains to that country Please send your comments or suggestions on future network meeting presentations to the Multilateral Fund Secretariat 14

15 15 Thank you

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