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Institutional Setup for MSDP Area. Introduction  Disaster increasing worldwide  Greatly impact development.

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Presentation on theme: "Institutional Setup for MSDP Area. Introduction  Disaster increasing worldwide  Greatly impact development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Institutional Setup for MSDP Area

2 Introduction  Disaster increasing worldwide  Greatly impact development

3 Introduction SOURCE: M RACHEL, 2011

4 Introduction SOURCE: R Pielke, Jr. 2013

5 Disaster Development Linkage SOURCE: Stephenson 1997

6 Disaster Development Linkage  Disaster setbacks development  Infrastructure destroyed by flood  Disaster creates opportunity for development  After earthquake, earthquake proof housing is built in Mexico

7 Disaster Development Linkage  Development increases the susceptibility of disaster and  Housing project in the eastern fringe of Dhaka city would create waterlogging in Dhaka City  Development can be designed to decrease vulnerability from disaster  Building built under higher wind parameter would survive stronger wind

8 DMDP plan SOURCE: RAJUK, 1996

9 MSDP Area Paurashava/ UnionAreaPopulation in 2001 acresHectares%Number% Mymensingh Paurashava 5,302.032,145.677.68227,20438.37% Akua 3,286.901,330.164.7641,9057.08% Baera (Kewatkhali) 1,430.56578.932.0722,6203.82% Bhabkhali 7,632.493,088.7711.0643,4677.34% Char Ishwardia 7,150.912,893.8810.3639,0956.60% Char Nilakshmia 8,022.883,246.7611.6237,9176.40% Dapunia 7,014.102,838.5210.1641,6907.04% Ghagra 8,379.643,391.1312.1446,8427.91% Khagdahar 6,642.922,688.319.6236,6456.19% Sirta 7,337.312,969.3210.6331,4855.32% Bhangnamari 6,825.002,761.989.8923,2153.92% Total area 69,024.7427,933.43100.00 592,085100.00


11 Present Legislation on Planning  স্হানীয় সরকার ( পৌরসভা ) আইন ২০০৯, ধারা ৫০ উপধারা ১গ উপধারা ২ক - ঙ  Paurashava to prepare and manage development plan  স্হানীয় সরকার ( ইউনিয়ন পরিষদ ) আইন ২০০৯, ধারা ৪৭ উপধারা ১ঘ  prepare and implement economic and social plan

12 Present Legislation on Planning  উপজেলা পরিষদ আইন ১৯৯৮ সংশোধিত ২০০৯, ধারা ৪২  prepare and implement development plan as long as upazilla could support the plan financially  may seek suggestion/ consult union parisad regarding development  No law could supersede the other

13 Existing rules and legislation on Disaster Management  দূর্যোগ ব্যবস্হাপনা আইন ২০১২ ধারা ৯ উপধারা ক  Entrusted Disaster Management Directorate for taking action on DRR  দূর্যোগ ব্যবস্হাপনা আইন ২০১২ ধারা ১৮ উপধারা ১, উপধারা ২  District, Upazilla, Union and Paurashava level committee for Disaster Management  District, Upazilla and Paurashava level co- ordination group for Disaster Management during diaster

14 Existing rules and legislation on Disaster Management  Standing Order on Disaster  Defined the duties and responsibilities of these committees and groups

15 Existing Institutional Set Up  Only one planner in Paurashava

16 Overcoming the issues  Creating parastatal body like RAJUK  No supervision by elected body

17 Proposed Body  Mymensingh Development Management Authority  Act as custodian of the plan  Review the plan regularly and act accordingly,  issue development permit for building construction, infrastructure development  any other functions that deemed necessary for management and implementation of MSDP  Should be a regulatory authority not development authority

18 Composition  Led by Chief Planning Officer  Supported by Planning Officers, Assistant Planning Officers and officers for disaster Management  Governed by governing council

19 Governing Council  Chaired by Mymensingh Sadar Upazilla Chairman  Vice Chairs Gouripur Upazilla Chairman and Mayor of Mymensingh Paurashava  Representatives from UNOs of Mymensingh Sadar Upazilla and Gauripur Upazilla, Mymensingh Zilla Parishad, Disaster Management Directorate, Civil Society and Professional Organizations  Member Secretary Chief Planning Office

20 Proposed Law  Suspend স্হানীয় সরকার ( পৌরসভা ) আইন ২০০৯, ধারা ৫০ উপধারা ১গ উপধারা ২ক - ঙ ; স্হানীয় সরকার ( ইউনিয়ন পরিষদ ) আইন ২০০৯, ধারা ৪৭ উপধারা ১ঘ ; ( উপজেলা পরিষদ আইন ১৯৯৮ সংশোধিত ২০০৯, ধারা ৪২ in MDMA area

21 Reference  Pielke R, Jr.(2013), Roger Pielke, Jr.’s blog at of-day-global-disasters-and-gdp.html of-day-global-disasters-and-gdp.html  Rachel M (2011), Climate Change and Weather related hazard at mate-change-and-weather-related-disasters mate-change-and-weather-related-disasters  RAJUK (1996), Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan 1996-2015, Government of Bangladesh, Dhaka  Stephenson, R. S. (1997). Disaster and Development: Study Text and Course Guide for C280 -DD02. Madison, University of Wisconsin - Disaster Management Center.

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