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Enquiry learning method. Outline of the presentation 1. What is enquiry? 2. Steps of enquiry learning 3. Definition of enquiry learning 4. Activity 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Enquiry learning method. Outline of the presentation 1. What is enquiry? 2. Steps of enquiry learning 3. Definition of enquiry learning 4. Activity 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enquiry learning method

2 Outline of the presentation 1. What is enquiry? 2. Steps of enquiry learning 3. Definition of enquiry learning 4. Activity 5. Characteristics of enquiry learning 6. Principles of enquiry learning.

3 Tell me and I forget, Show me and I remember, involve me and I understand.


5 What is Enquiry?  Asking questions is at the heart of enquiry based learning.  Students generate questions to a problem.  Teacher guides the students in finding answers themselves.  Learning begins with question.

6 The Enquiry Teaching Strategy has Seven phases: Phase 1: Defining a problem/Question or Problem Identification It assumes that real learning starts with a puzzle, a dilemma or a problem bothering the learner. It important to tell the questions/problems in researchable forms. E.g. How does access to internet affect learning of SCE students? Not “What is the use of internet for learning in SCE ?” How does family planning affect the quality of life?

7 Phase 2: Formulating Hypothesis Hypothesis is an unverified generalization. Here students make meaningful guess to the problems in the light of their experiences or data available to them. (Brainstorm to generate ideas.)

8 Phase 3 : Gathering Data  Students will collect data either to support or refute hypothesis.  The numbers of ways to collect data are asking questions which may have yes or no answer, Surveys, interview, field trips, and questionnaires.

9 Phase 4: Reporting data /findings Students’ findings may be reported to the class in various forms as oral report, panel discussion, role play, Use of resource person etc.

10 Phase 5 : Testing the validity of Hypothesis Those hypothesis supported by adequate evidences are checked and accepted. Those hypotheses which are not supported by adequate evidences are either studied further or refuted.

11 Phase 6 : Generalizing /Drawing Conclusions: o Based on the hypotheses validated students will generalize stating the solution to the problem encountered. o The generalization is subject to change.

12 Phase 7 : Applying the solution/generalization/conclusion:  The teacher can guide the students so that they may resolve to apply the solution to new learning situations or in their day to day life experiences.

13 Enquiry Teaching Method (definitions)  It is a scientific process by which knowledge is generated and validated.  It is a learning process in which students are confronted with a problem- discrepancy or a puzzle for which a solution is not obviously evident – and by gathering information, they generate ideas of explanation and subsequently test them to assess their usefulness.

14 Definitions continued-  The Enquiry Method involves finding an answer to a question or the resolution of problem.  It is a method where the learner with minimum guidance from the teacher seeks to discover and create an answer to a recognized problem.

15 Students seek answers or solve problems by: 1 Defining the problem 2 Formulating hypothesis/ses 3 Gathering data 4 Reporting the data 5 Testing the hypothesis/ses 6 Generating conclusion 7 Applying the conclusion in new situation


17 Activity 1 Defining the problem 2 Formulating hypothesis 3 Gathering data 4 Reporting data 5 Testing the hypothesis 6 Generating conclusion 7 Stating commitments to apply the generalization

18 Characteristics of Enquiry learning  Learning is student centered.  Teachers role is facilitator providing encouragement and support to enable students to take up responsibility.  Students gain deeper understanding of the subject matter.  Process of observation and experimentation, and mental process.

19 The Principles of Enquiry Teaching: 1. Intrinsic Motivation is basic to Inquiry. 2. Inquiry teaching is process oriented rather than content oriented. 3. It is conceptual than factual. 4. It is student centered approach to learning.

20 Advantages of Inquiry based learning  Inquiry-based learning encourages students to gain confidence, interest and self esteem.  Enquiry learning approach positively reinforces the three domains of learning( physical, emotional and cognitive)  It is well suited to collaborative learning and team projects  It validates the experience and knowledge that all students bring to the learning process.  It helps develop higher order thinking skills. (analysis/problem solving)

21 Inquiry Questions How did life originate on the Earth? What will be the consequences if global temperature goes on increasing? How can paper be recycled? Why does a burning candle put off when covered by a jar? How can AIDS be prevented? Why has standard of education in Bhutan declined?

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