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Understanding of Carbon Cycling: An Interview Study in the US and China 2009 NARST Presentation Written by : Hui Jin, Li Zhan, Charles W. Anderson (Michigan.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding of Carbon Cycling: An Interview Study in the US and China 2009 NARST Presentation Written by : Hui Jin, Li Zhan, Charles W. Anderson (Michigan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding of Carbon Cycling: An Interview Study in the US and China 2009 NARST Presentation Written by : Hui Jin, Li Zhan, Charles W. Anderson (Michigan State University) Culturally relevant ecology, learning progressions and environmental literacy Long Term Ecological Research Math Science Partnership April 2009 Disclaimer: This research is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation: Targeted Partnership: Culturally relevant ecology, learning progressions and environmental literacy (NSF-0832173). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

2 Hui Jin, Li Zhan, Charles W. Anderson Michigan State University April, 2009 Understanding of Carbon Cycling: An Interview Study in the US and China

3 Research Questions  How do American and Chinese students account for events about global warming?  Under current school science teaching, can students progress towards the scientific reasoning about the environmental events?  As American students and Chinese students are from different social, cultural, and educational contexts, how are their ways of reasoning similar or different?

4 Theoretical Foundation  Explanations & Reasoning  People rely on specific ways of causal reasoning to account for everyday events.  Scientific knowledge always reflects causal reasoning that is discipline-specific.  Two ways to construct reasoning  Interactions with the material world  1.Macroscopic cause-effect relationships 2.Hidden processes are isomorphic with the macroscopic patterns (Chi, 2005; diSessa, 1987; Grotzer & Bell, 1999; Pozo & Crespo, 2005)  Interactions with the media and other people through discourses  1.Scientific reasoning -- A discourse of constraint (Feynman et al., 1989) 2.Intuitive ways of reasoning:  Force-dynamics discourse (Pinker 2007; Talmy, 2000);  Living things have internal goals and capabilities (Keil, 1995; Leslie, 1994; Leslie, 1995)  Colloquial meaning of energy -- Energy is the power to make changes happen; it is used up and always needs to be replenished.

5 Research Background and Research Goals  Research Background:  Learning Progression (LP) A learning progression is a sequence of successively more sophisticated ways of reasoning about a set of topics as students expand their experiences in and out of school over time (Smith, Wiser, Anderson, & Krajcik, 2006)  The matter LP and energy LP developed in the previous studies of the Environmental Literature Research Project  Initial carbon cycling LP  A gap in the previous studies: written assessments did not uncover details of students’ intuitive accounts  Interview study  Research Goals  To develop an interview protocol that effectively reveals students’ accounts about the focal environmental events.  To develop a carbon cycling LP that represents American and Chinese students’ specific ways of carbon cycling.

6 Research Focus - Six Focal Events of Global Warming  Six focal events that contribute to global warming: Tree growth; Baby girl growth; Girl running; Tree decaying; Car running; Flame burning  Investigate students’ explanations to the focal events to interpret the underlying reasoning patterns.

7 Scientific Reasoning about the Focal Events  Key chemical reactions at atomic-molecular scale  Macroscopic Events  Photosynthesis generates organic carbon and harnesses energy  Digestion & biosynthesis transform organic carbon-containing materials and passing on energy . Oxidization (Combustion & Cellular respiration) oxidize organic carbon and degrades energy  Events and processes are constrained by three principles :  Matter conservation  Energy conservation  Energy degradation

8 Interview Protocol General Questions (Questions for students from all levels): What does the tree need in order to grow? How does each of the things you mentioned helps the tree to grow? What happens to it inside the tree? Does the tree use it for energy? How does that work? The tree gets heavier as it grows. How does that happen? Does the growing tree change the air? How does that happen? Follow-up High-level Questions If the increased weight comes from outside the tree, where does it come from? How do these things change into the tree’s body structure? Does tree growth require energy? What are the energy sources for the tree? Do you think the energy of sunlight will change its form when it goes into the tree’s body? How? Where does the tree store energy? In cells? In molecules? Two set of Interview questions to uncover students intuitive accounts:

9 Research Participants  US -- 31 secondary students & 2 elementary students  Seven 7th graders and seven 6th graders from two public schools in California  Six 9th graders from one rural high school in Michigan; eleven 10th graders from the math and science center in Michigan  Two elementary students from one suburban school in Michigan  China -- 23 secondary students  Four 7th Graders, five 8th graders, and four 9th graders from two rural schools  Three 10th graders, four 11th graders, and 3 12th graders from an urban school.

10 Research Method Step 1. Using combined matter LP and energy LP as the initial carbon cycling LP. Step 2. Identify patterns of performance & develop the LP 1. Develop/Revise the LP2. Develop/Revise Interview Protocol 3. Conduct Interview & Collect Data 4. Use the LP (6 Exemplar worksheets) to analyze data 1.Iterative process: Results of data analysis provide information for revising the LP and interview protocol. 2. American and Chinese students’ responses reflected similar patterns in two aspects of performances--naming and explaining. Hence, we developed 12 exemplar worksheets to represent students’ characteristic naming or explaining performances in the six focal events. Each exemplar worksheet contains level description--the characteristic performances at each level--and representative responses selected from the interview data.

11 Research Method Step 3. Coding  Data: 56 interview transcripts  Each transcript is divided into six units of analysis. Each unit of analysis contains all the questions and responses about one focal event.  Use exemplar worksheets to code each unit of analysis.  This work generated two tables that represent the alignment of naming and performing performances for American and Chinese students.

12 Finding: Performance Patterns  American and Chinese data indicate similar patterns in two aspects of performance--naming and explaining:  Naming: the performances of naming the relevant science statements, principles, concepts, and facts. I: What will cause the dead tree to decay? C4: Microbes and oxygen. I: How does this change happen? C4: I don’t know.  Explaining: the performances of constructing qualitative explanations based on different ways of reasoning. I: How does the food you eat help you to move your little finger? C3: Foods change into energy to move your finger. (I - Investigator; A - American student; C - Chinese student)

13 Final Carbon Cycling LP (Level 1) Episodes: I: How about water? What happens to the water inside the tree? A1: It sucks into the roots and then it [water] goes up, so it can make the leaves and the branches grow. … I: How does the tree use sunlight for energy? A1: I’m pretty sure with the leaves, the leaves attract the sunlight and it’s like food to them, so that’s how they grow. And I think it’s the same with the tree. Level 1 Explaining Performances: Macroscopic changes explained by force-dynamics causation Explain macroscopic events in terms of macroscopic causes; rely on force-dynamics discourse Sunlight Air SoilWater Level 1 Naming Performances: Observable and Perceptive Characteristics State science facts about body/machine parts, organism needs, or life cycle

14 Final Carbon Cycling LP (Level 2) Episodes: I: You said that people need oxygen. How do people’s bodies use oxygen? C1: People have lungs. Their biological activities require oxygen. Oxygen helps activities. Without oxygen, they feel tired and cannot do things. Oxygen goes to lungs and then bloods to facilitate the movement of blood. I: How does the food you eat help you to move your little finger? C3: Foods change into energy to move your finger. Level 2 Naming Performances: Hidden processes, familiar substances and obvious energy evidences State hidden processes such as plants making foods, familiar substances such as sugar, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, and obvious energy evidences Level 2 Explaining Performances: Macroscopic changes explained by hidden mechanisms involving Power Explain macroscopic events in terms of hidden processes powered by materials/energy and abilities or powers of actors Matter/Energy Input: foods, air, water Hidden process: Food changes into energy; oxygen powers body functions Food/Energy is used up, or becomes waste

15 Final Carbon Cycling LP (Level 3) Episodes: I: Your dad drove you to Yang Zhou after you finished the final. When you arrived there, your dad found that most gasoline was gone. Where did the gasoline go? C5: The gasoline changed into kinetic energy to move the car. I: Can you identify any of the substances or materials that are changing [when a person loses weight]? What are they? A5: The fat or lipids are broken down because energy is breaking down these. The fat breaks down into energy. Level 3 Explaining Performances: Processes with unsuccessful constraints Explain macroscopic events in terms of changes of molecules and energy forms; indicate awareness of conservation laws without using them successfully Level 3 Naming Performances: Familiar molecules, energy forms, or chemical changes State specific molecules, energy forms, or chemical changes Matter/Energy Input: Atoms, Molecules, Specific energy forms Changes of Molecules and Energy forms Awareness of conservation laws Matter/Energy output: Atoms, Molecule, and specific energy forms

16 Final Carbon Cycling LP (Level 4) Episodes: I: When candle is burning, heat is released. Where does the heat come from? C7: The candle has chemical energy. When it is burning, the chemical energy transforms into heat and light energy. I: What changes when the tree decays? A6: Carbon in the tree is been broken down into smaller and smaller molecules. It needs oxygen for cellular respiration. The tree energy goes into the organisms that decaying the tree. It then goes into the air. The products of cellular respiration go to the air. Level 4 Explaining Performances: Scientific model-based understanding Explain macroscopic events in terms of chemical reactions constrained by the three principles of matter and energy and indicate a discourse of scientific constraints Level 4 Naming Performances: All relevant Molecules, energy forms, & Chemical processes State molecules of all reactants and products, all relevant energy forms, and chemical processes Energy Input: Chemical energyEnergy Output: Light energy + Heat Matter Input: Molecules of wax + oxygen Matter Output: CO 2 + H 2 O Chemical change as atom rearrangement Energy transformation

17 Comparison 1.American and Chinese students’ explaining performances were very similar, with a majority of each group at level 2 -- relying primarily on hidden mechanism reasoning.

18 Comparison 2. Naming performances and explaining performances were aligned differently for American and Chinese students. Students in both groups showed more level 3 and 4 naming performances than explaining performances, but the difference was much larger for Chinese students.

19 To Do List 1.Interview more American and Chinese elementary students to develop the lower anchor. 2.Use written assessments to collect a larger sample of responses and examine students’ developmental patterns. 3.Conduct teaching experiment that enables the development of a LP that shows how students transition from lower level to the higher level.

20 Contact Us Environmental Literacy Research Project:

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