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CSC 3130: Automata theory and formal languages Andrej Bogdanov The Chinese University of Hong Kong Polynomial.

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Presentation on theme: "CSC 3130: Automata theory and formal languages Andrej Bogdanov The Chinese University of Hong Kong Polynomial."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSC 3130: Automata theory and formal languages Andrej Bogdanov The Chinese University of Hong Kong Polynomial time Fall 2008

2 Efficient algorithms The running time of an algorithm depends on the input For longer inputs, we allow more time Efficiency is measured as a function of input size decidable A TM PCP efficient

3 Running time The running time of TM M is the function t M (n) : t M (n) = maximum number of steps that M takes on any input of length n On input x, until you reach $ Read and cross off first a or b before $ Read and cross off first a or b after $ If there is a mismatch, reject M:M: If all symbols but $ are crossed off, accept O(n) times O(n) steps L = {w$w: w ∈ {a, b}} running time: O(n 2 )

4 Running time L = {$0 n 1 n : n ≥ 0} On input x, Check that the input is of the form $0*1* Until everything is crossed off: Move head left to $ Cross off the leftmost 0 Cross off the following 1 If everything is crossed off, accept. M:M: O(n) times O(n) steps running time: O(n 2 )

5 A faster way L = {$0 n 1 n : n ≥ 0} On input x, Check that the input is of the form $0*1* Until everything is crossed off: Move head left to $ Find the parities of number of 0 s and 1 s If one is even and other off, reject Otherwise, cross off every other 0 and every other 1 If everything is crossed off, accept. M:M: O(log n) times O(n) steps running time: O(n log n) O(n) steps

6 Running time vs. model What if we have a two-tape Turing Machine? L = {$0 n 1 n : n ≥ 0} On input x, Check that the input is of the form $0*1* Copy 0* part of input on second tape Until ☐ is reached, Cross off next 1 from first tape and next 0 from second tape If both tapes reach ☐ at same time, accept M:M: O(n) steps running time: O(n)

7 Running time vs. model How about a java program? L = {$0 n 1 n : n ≥ 0} running time: O(n) M(string x) { n = x.len; if n % 2 == 0 reject; else for (i = 1; i <= n/2; i++) if x[i] != 0 reject; if x[n-i+1] != 1 reject; accept; } 1 -tape TM O(n log n) 2 -tape TM O(n) java O(n) The running time can change depending on the model of computation!

8 Measuring running time What does it mean when we say: One step in all mean different things! “This algorithm runs in 1000 steps” javaRAM machine 1-tape TM if (x > 0) y = 5*y + x; write r3;  (q 3, a) = (q 7, b, R)

9 Efficiency and the Church-Turing thesis The Church-Turing thesis says all these models are equivalent in power… … but not in running time! java RAM machine Turing Machine multitape TM UNIVAC

10 The Cobham-Edmonds thesis However, there is an extension to the Church-Turing thesis that says For any realistic models of computation M 1 and M 2 : So any task that takes time T on M 1 can be done in time (say) T 2 or T 3 on M 2 M 1 can be simulated on M 2 with at most polynomial slowdown

11 Efficient simulation The running time of a program depends on the model of computation… … but in the grand scheme, this is irrelevant java RAM machinemultitape TMordinary TM fastslow Every reasonable model of computation can be simulated efficiently on every other

12 Example of efficient simulation Recall simulating multiple tapes on a single tape M … 010 … 01 … 100  = {0, 1, ☐ } S … 01010##0#10   ’ = {0, 1, ☐, 0, 1, ☐, #}   #

13 Running time of simulation Each move of the multiple tape TM might require traversing the whole single tape after t steps O(s) steps of single tape TM s = rightmost cell ever visited s ≤ 3t + 4 1 step of 3-tape TM t steps of 3-tape O(ts) = O(t 2 ) single tape steps multi-tape TMsingle tape TM quadratic slowdown

14 Simulation slowdown Cobham-Edmonds Thesis: multi-tape TMjava single tape TMRAM machine O(t)O(t)O(t)O(t) O(t2)O(t2) O(t2)O(t2) O(t)O(t)O(t)O(t) M 1 can be simulated on M 2 with at most polynomial slowdown

15 Examples of running time (on a RAM) parsing problem running time 0n1n0n1n algorithmLR(1) O(n) O(n log n) short paths Dijkstra matching Edmonds O(n 3 ) CYK O(n 2 ) n = input size running time problemrouting 2 O(n) scheduling 2 O(n logn) 2 O(n) theorem proving

16 Input representation Since we measure efficiency in terms of input size, how the input is represented will make a difference For us, any “reasonable” representation will be okay The number 17 17 10001 ( 17 in base two) 11111111111111111 OK NO This graph 0000,0010,0001,0010 1 2 34 OK {1,2,3,4}{2,3}{3,4} OK

17 Nondeterminism and the CE thesis Cobham-Edmonds Thesis says: But is nondetermistic computation realistic? Any two realistic models of computation can be simulated with polynomial slowdown

18 Running time of nondeterministic TM What about nondeterministic TMs? For ordinary TMs, the running time of M on input x is the number of transitions M makes before it halts But a nondeterministic TM can run for a different time on different “computation paths”

19 Example Definition of running time for nondeterministic TM 1/1R q acc q0q0 1/1R 0/0R q1q1 10001 what is the running time? q rej running time = computation path:any possible sequence of transitions max length of any computation path 5 0/0R

20 Simulation of nondeterministic TM nondet TMmulti-tape TM … 100 … 100 … 221 input tape x 1 simulation tape z address tape a For all k > 0 For all possible strings a of length k Copy x to z. Simulate N on input z using a as choices If a specifies an invalid choice or simulation loops/rejects, abandon simulation. If N enters its accept state, accept and halt. If N rejected on all a s of length k, reject and halt. represents possible choices at each step each a describes a possible computation path NM

21 Simulation slowdown for nondeterminism For all k > 0 For all possible strings a of length k Copy x to z. Simulate N on input z using a as choices If a specifies an invalid choice or simulation loops/rejects, abandon simulation. If N enters its accept state, accept and halt. If N rejected on all a s of length k, reject and halt. simulation will halt when k = t running time of N is t running time of simulation = ( running time for specific a) × ( number of a s of length ≤ t) = O(t) × 2 O(t) = 2 O(t)

22 Simulation slowdown multi-tape TMjava single tape TMRAM machine O(t)O(t) O(t)O(t) O(t2)O(t2) O(t2)O(t2) O(t)O(t) O(t)O(t) nondeterministic TM 2 O(t) Do nondeterministic TM violate the Cobham-Edmonds thesis?

23 Example Recall the scheduling problem Scheduling with nondeterminism: CSC 3230 CSC 2110 CSC 3160 CSC 3130 Can you schedule final exams so that there are no conflicts? Exams → vertices Slots → colors Conflicts → edges YRB schedule(int n, Edges edges) { for i := 1 to n: choose { c[i] := Y; } or { c[i] := R; } or { c[i] := B; } for all e in edges: if c[e.left] == c[e.right] reject; accept; }

24 Example... but if we had it, we could schedule in linear time! schedule(int n, Edges edges) { for i := 1 to n: choose { c[i] := Y; } or { c[i] := R; } or { c[i] := B; } for all e in edges: if c[e.left] == c[e.right] reject; accept; } In reality, programming languages don’t allow us to choose We have to tell the computer how to make these choices Nondeterminism does not seem like a realistic feature of a programming language or computer

25 Nondeterministic simulation If we can do better, this would improve all known combinatorial optimization algorithms! nondeterministic TMmulti-tape TM 2 O(t) slowdown Is this the best we can do?

26 Millenium prize problems Recall how in 1900, Hilbert gave 23 problems that guided mathematics in the 20 th century In 2000, the Clay Mathematical Institute gave 7 problems for the 21 st century 1 P versus NP 2 The Hodge conjecture 3 The Poincaré conjecture 4 The Riemann hypothesis 5 Yang–Mills existence and mass gap 6 Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness 7 The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture $1,000,000 Hilbert’s 8 th problem Perelman 2006 (refused money) computer science

27 The P versus NP question Among other things, this asks: –Is nondeterminism a realistic feature of computation? –Can the choose construct be efficiently implemented? –Can we efficiently optimize any “well-posed” problem? nondeterministic TMordinary TM Can nondeterministic TM be simulated on ordinary TM with polynomial slowdown? poly(t) Most people think not, but nobody knows for sure!

28 The class P decidable regular context-free efficient P is the class of all languages that can be decided on an ordinary TM whose running time is some polynomial in the length of the input By the CE thesis, we can replace “ordinary TM” by any realistic model of computation multi-tape TMjavaRAM

29 Examples of languages in P parsing problem running time 0n1n0n1n algorithmLR(1) O(n) O(n log n) short paths Dijkstra matching Edmonds O(n 3 ) CYK O(n 2 ) n = input size L 01 = {$0 n 1 n : n > 0} L G = {x: x is generated by G} PATH = {(G, a, b, L): G is a graph with a path of length L from a to b} G is some CFG MATCH = {G, a, b, L: G is a graph with a “perfect” matching } context-free P (efficient) decidable L 01 LGLG PATH MATCH

30 Languages believed to be outside P running time of best-known algorithm problemrouting 2 O(n) scheduling 2 O(n) thm-proving We do not know if these problems have faster algorithms, but we suspect not P (efficient) decidable LGLG PATH MATCH ROUTE SCHED PROVE ? To explain why, first we need to understand what these languages have in common

31 More problems 1 2 3 4 Graph G A clique is a subset of vertices that are all interconnected {1, 4}, {2, 3, 4}, {1} are cliques An independent set is a subset of vertices so that no pair is connected {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {4} are independent sets there is no independent set of size 3 A vertex cover is a set of vertices that touches (covers) all edges {2, 4}, {3, 4}, {1, 2, 3} are vertex covers

32 Boolean formula satisfiability A boolean formula is an expression made up of variables, ands, ors, and negations, like The formula is satisfiable if one can assign values to the variables so the expression evaluates to true (x 1 ∨ x 2 ) ∧ (x 2 ∨ x 3 ∨ x 4 ) ∧ (x 1 ) x 1 = F x 2 = F x 3 = T x 4 = T Above formula is satisfiable because this assignment makes it true:

33 Status of these problems CLIQUE = {(G, k): G is a graph with a clique of k vertices } IS = {(G, k): G is a graph with an independent set of k vertices } VC = {(G, k): G is a graph with a vertex cover of k vertices } SAT = {f: f is a satisfiable Boolean formula } running time of best-known algorithm problem CLIQUE 2 O(n) IS 2 O(n) SAT 2 O(n) VC 2 O(n) What do these problems have in common?

34 Checking solutions efficiently We don’t know how to solve them efficiently But if someone told us the solution, we would be able to check it very quickly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Is (G, 5) in CLIQUE ? 1,5,9,12,14 Example:

35 Cliques via nondeterminism Checking solutions efficiently is the same as designing efficient nondeterministic algorithms Is (G, k) in CLIQUE ? Example: clique(Graph G, int k) { choose C := list of k vertices for i in C: for j in C: if i != j and G.is_edge(i,j) == false reject; accept; }

36 Example: Formula satisfiability (x 1 ∨ x 2 ) ∧ (x 2 ∨ x 3 ∨ x 4 ) ∧ (x 1 ) f = Checking solution:Nondeterministic algorithm: FFTT substitute x 1 = F x 2 = F x 3 = T x 4 = T evaluate formula (F ∨ T ) ∧ (F ∨ T ∨ F) ∧ (T) f = can be done in linear time sat(Formula f) { x = new bool[f.n]; for i := 1 to n: choose { x[i] := true; } or { x[i] := false; } if f.eval(x) == true accept; else reject; }

37 The class NP The class NP : L can be solved on a nondeterministic TM in polynomial time iff its solutions can be checked in time polynomial in the input length NP is the class of all languages that can be decided on a nondeterministic TM whose running time is some polynomial in the length of the input

38 P versus NP because an ordinary TM is only weaker than a nondeterministic one Conceptually, finding solutions can only be harder than checking them P (efficient) decidable LGLG PATH MATCH CLIQUE SAT IS NP (efficiently checkable) VC P is contained in NP

39 P versus NP The answer to the question is not known. But one reason it is believed to be negative is because, intuitively, searching is harder than verifying For example, solving homework problems (searching for solutions) is harder than grading (verifying the solution is correct) Is P equal to NP ? $1,000,000

40 Searching versus verifying Mathematician: Given a mathematical claim, come up with a proof for it. Scientist: Given a collection of data on some phenomena, find a theory explaining it. Engineer: Given a set of constraints (on cost, physical laws, etc.) come up with a design (of an engine, bridge, etc.) which meets them. Detective: Given the crime scene, find “who’s done it”.

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