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Writing for an Audience Why We Write and Who We Write For.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing for an Audience Why We Write and Who We Write For."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing for an Audience Why We Write and Who We Write For

2 Common Purposes for Writing 4 To inform/explain-Expository 4 To describe-Descriptive 4 To entertain-Narrative 4 To persuade-Persuasive

3 Common Audiences 4 EVERYONE WHO READS! 4 Audiences differ depending on what is being written about 4 Tone of voice, formal/informal, vocabulary 4 All writers have an intended audience 4 Must take into account different audiences

4 Writing to Inform 4 What you want or need to know 4 Answers: who, when, why, what, where & how 4 Chronological 4 Balanced and fair 4 Unbiased facts, balanced opinions 4 Allows readers to make up own mind 4 Clear, accurate and interesting

5 Examples: 4 most news articles 4 letters 4 encyclopedias 4 dictionaries 4 leaflets 4 biographies

6 Writing to Describe 4 Has a message or theme 4 Vivid & original 4 Detailed & descriptive 4 Imagery- 5 senses, emotions, feelings 4 Precise vocabulary 4 Showing, not telling 4 Examples: 4 fiction novels 4 poetry 4 short-stories 4 autobiographies 4 menus

7 Writing to Persuade 4 Seeks to influence 4 Wants to change your mind 4 Descriptive & detailed 4 Personal, often one sided 4 Usually informal in tone 4 Examples: 4 types of magazine articles 4 advertisements 4 formal letters 4 speeches 4 SPAM

8 Writing to Explain 4 Why, how something happens 4 Must fully understand topic & audience 4 Clear & interesting explanation, review, comment 4 Balanced & factual 4 Examples: 4 instructions 4 directions 4 recipes 4 book/film/CD review 4 travel guide

9 Letters & E-mails 4 Can fall under any of the 4 categories 4 Writing to friends, family- informal, to describe or inform 4 Writing to businesses, professionals- formal, to inform, persuade or explain

10 Let’s Review! 4 What are the four most common types of writing? 4 What does informal mean? Formal? 4 What does ‘audience’ mean? 4 How do audiences differ? 4 Can you determine the intended audience of a piece of writing???

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