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Senior Interview – PowerPoint Ideas for Presentation.

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1 Senior Interview – PowerPoint Ideas for Presentation

2 Purpose of the Senior Interview: 1.Get you thinking about life after high school 2.Help you to organize short and long term goals 3.Force to think about possible and realistic career options 4.Help you to reflect on what you did here which will affect the rest of your life

3 The Interview itself: 1. 3 teachers and/or administrators to evaluate 2. 5 to 8 minute presentation 3. Looking at what you have prepared but also how you carry yourself, the clarity of your thoughts and words, how realistic you are, and your level of enthusiasm 4. Questions about your presentation will be asked at the end 5. A video or a computer presentation are the most workable ways to approach this – allows you to do the real work ahead of time (NO video monologues please)

4 PowerPoint Ideas: 1. Six to ten slides with bullets to guide your presentation 2. If you discuss each slide for one minute you are home free 3. Each slide addresses a different issue – less is more when it comes to words on a screen 4. Can list out your interests, goals, requirements to get you there (in detail), obstacles and how you plan on overcoming them, etc.. 5. Does not have to be an ironclad plan – use things that interest you or that you are at least considering. You could also spell out two distinct options (should the first one not pan out as planned).

5 Senior Interview example for PowerPoint: 1.Slide One – what I have done to this point to get me ready for my path after high school 2.Slide Two – why I am interested in a particular field, occupation, whatever; maybe mention a key person or event who inspired you in some way 3.Slide Three – what specifically do I to accomplish (short and long term) to get to where I need to be? Give specifics as to what college did you apply to, ect… 4.Slide Four – what are the prospects for my chosen path or career 5.Slide Five – What are possible obstacles that I will have to overcome (details) 6.Slide Six – How will I relate what I have learned here to what I will do later? 7.Slide Seven – What is my secondary option? How does it relate to the first option? 8.Slide Eight – Tying it all together; what have you already done to pursue this path or specifically will you be doing in the near future?

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