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YOUR TOPIC GOES HERE What event or setting takes place prior to the target behavior? (Antecedent) What behavior are you targeting to change? (Behavior)

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Presentation on theme: "YOUR TOPIC GOES HERE What event or setting takes place prior to the target behavior? (Antecedent) What behavior are you targeting to change? (Behavior)"— Presentation transcript:

1 YOUR TOPIC GOES HERE What event or setting takes place prior to the target behavior? (Antecedent) What behavior are you targeting to change? (Behavior) What adult or peer behaviors are reinforcing this behavior? (negative or positive reinforcement) (Consequences) What settings/contexts/antecedents can you modify to make proactive changes in the environment to make the target behavior unnecessary? What new behaviors might you teach to the student to replace the current target behaviors? How might you change the adult behavior regarding the original target behavior and the new replacement behaviors? What is the goal behavior? (long term) What adult or peer behaviors will “feed” this goal behavior? Competing Pathway Chart: Adapted from the following book: O'Neill, R. E., Horner, R. H., Albin, R. W., Sprague, J. R., Storey, K., & Newton, J. S. (1997). Functional assessment and program development for problem behavior: A practical handbook (2nd ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

2 What event or setting takes place prior to the target behavior? (Antecedent) What behavior are you targeting to change? (Behavior) What adult or peer behaviors are reinforcing this behavior? (Negative or positive reinforcement) (Consequences) Make her Vanna White of the Daily Schedule. Mom works on organizing her exit from home. Check-in/Check-out with a preferred adult. Had her go to the office with a “message” or return a “book” to the library if it looked like she was on overload and needed attention. (Cued receivers) Writing on the board and announcing to the class the next activity. Secret signal if she wants the teacher’s attention. (wiggle ear with hand- this is an approximation- her elbow is up and we will be able to shape it to hand raising soon) She’s getting pre-corrects of attention from the teacher prior to her Vanna White duties. Teacher gives a ton of attention for appropriate behavior. Teacher ignores burping that isn’t disturbing learning time. The minute child is quiet- she gets attention. If needed private conversation. 1 Long term goal: Be able to transition appropriately. Socially appropriate adult attention.

3 What event or setting takes place prior to the target behavior? (Antecedent) What behavior are you targeting to change? (Behavior) What adult or peer behaviors are reinforcing this behavior? (Negative or positive reinforcement) (Consequences) Have a private meeting with him/her Tell student – “I see you are good at carrying a tune. I would like you to put your efforts to use in the classroom. If you can be quiet Monday- Thursday, I will let you sing for the class on Friday- but you have to take that tune and sing about quadrilateral parallelograms. The next week I’ll give you a new topic? I think you can do it. Do you want to try?” Student is given copy of teacher’s lesson plans for Friday’s topic. Student spends the week working on song and asking teacher questions in CICO time. Student learns to use their skills for the good of the class (If necessary student can be taught how to self- monitor). Teacher will give a lot of positive behavior specific praise for on task behavior. Teacher will give subtle cues that behavior is starting to slip. (Two taps of the chair leg with his or her foot.) 1 Long term goal: Student participates appropriately in class and is on task the majority of the time. Group Contingencies and group reinforcements working to elicit good behavior.

4 What event or setting takes place prior to the target behavior? (Antecedent) What behavior are you targeting to change? (Behavior) What adult or peer behaviors are reinforcing this behavior? (Negative or positive reinforcement) (Consequences) Use Check-in/Check-out (CICO) CICO person pre-teaches anticipatory set of most difficult tasks upcoming for the day. Student is taught how to silently signal they are stuck and need help. (turning name tag upside down- or moving name tag to other side of desk) Deal is made with student- if they begin work and keep working, they can circle 5 questions and teacher will give answers to five questions for the whole class. Class will not know student is in control of this. 1 Long term goal- able to attempt new tasks with confidence and ability to ask questions when unclear. Earned breaks from work that all students earn in group contingencies- group reinforcements.

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