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Strategic Planning for Katoomba Activities in Africa, 2005 Private Katoomba Meeting, Thailand 21 Nov, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Planning for Katoomba Activities in Africa, 2005 Private Katoomba Meeting, Thailand 21 Nov, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Planning for Katoomba Activities in Africa, 2005 Private Katoomba Meeting, Thailand 21 Nov, 2004

2 The Katoomba Group has traditionally focused its efforts on: Global Convenings Analyses We are shifting now to: Strategic regional meetings Training workshops Tools and Resources (Ecosystem Marketplace) Project Support (Biodiversity Offsets)

3 Why Africa? Africa’s rural populations depend upon ecosystem services for their livelihoods PES can have a major role in PRSP’s and national plans for the MDG’s Growing private sector interest Potential role of PES to restore degraded lands Numerous activities emerging around PES Enormous interest from African partners

4 Proposed Activities Africa Working Group Katoomba Group feedback Develop toolkit for implementing PES in Africa Major meeting in 2005

5 Objectives Awareness and capacity building of PES in Africa (Address gap in information & knowledge- what are markets, what are ecosystem services, what are ecosystem service markets (simple languages and messages) Shared learning and agreement on driving issues (inventory of what is going on in Africa, draw lessons from the rest of the world) Strengthened networks within countries & region (Govt, private sector, NGOs, communities)

6 Proposed Workshop concept Date August/September 2005 Length of 2.5 to 3 days Day 1: ‘Sales pitch’ –Keynote addresses (1international/ 1local): Markets, regulation and environmental services, Role of PES in policy or How PES can be used ti improve livelihoods –Thematic sessions with two case studies in each: Involving communities in trades, Bringing buyers and sellers together

7 Workshop continued Day 2: ‘Seeing and doing’ –Address on integrated solutions (constraints and supporting environments) –Themes and case studies –Break away sessions on 4 key questions insight into needs and opportunities

8 Workshop continued Day 3: Active training –Use of 2-3 case studies –Explained through the Katoomba Game Approach or the CSIRO Bid Game Approach –PROPOSED VENUES – UGANDA or SOUTH AFRICA

9 Potential Partners CSIR/IIED Initiative (South Africa)– Nicola King ECOTRUST (Uganda) – Sam Korutaro NEMA(Uganda) – Alice Ruhweza LEAD (South Africa) – Sosten Sciotha Eastern Arc Mountains (Tanzania) - Feliciano Others:- –GEF/World Bank Cape Initiative –Resource Africa/Ford Foundation –ARISE Initiative /Environmental Offsets Investments (EOI)

10 Issues for Katoomba Group Consideration We need your thoughts and input on our plans

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