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Pacific Remittances and the Remittance Pilot Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Pacific Remittances and the Remittance Pilot Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pacific Remittances and the Remittance Pilot Project

2 Remittances Help reduce the scale and severity of poverty Support improved human development outcomes Globally worth US$580 Billion; and US$470 million to the Pacific region in 2014 (WB, 2015)

3 Remittances as a share of GDP in Pacific

4 Transaction Cost of Remittances Increasing cost of remittances means RSE workers are losing more from their take- home earnings 7.7% - global average cost (WB, 2015) 9.23% - average cost from NZ to the Pacific (Statistics NZ, 2014)

5 The Remittance Pilot Project “Provide baseline evidence on economic benefits of the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) policy and its role in assisting development in RSE sending states”

6 Remittance Pilot Project – Implementation Capturing earnings and remittance data from 600 Samoan and Tongan RSE workers Qualitative surveying of 550 RSE workers Massey University engaged to support analysis and reporting

7 Remittance Pilot Project – Outcomes Options for reducing the cost of remittances Work with banks and MTOs Training and capacity development Work with existing programmes (Vakameasina) Report due later in the year

8 For more information about the Remittance Pilot Project, please contact Pip Jamieson ( Ph: +64(0)39892956) Thank You

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