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 If every student is to become a productive, successful adult, we must create schools that provide an education which is both rigorous and relevant. No.

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Presentation on theme: " If every student is to become a productive, successful adult, we must create schools that provide an education which is both rigorous and relevant. No."— Presentation transcript:

1  If every student is to become a productive, successful adult, we must create schools that provide an education which is both rigorous and relevant. No longer can we judge the success of our schools on mastery of content alone. We must move schools forward in embracing the full range of knowledge, skills, and dispositions that will allow students to be successful in a global world. Service-learning is an essential strategy in providing a rigorous and relevant curriculum which will prepare students to succeed in the 21st century.

2  Plan for Assessment of the learning process ◦ Domains of learning  Cognitive  Psychomotor  Effective ◦ Standards in each unit/course  Benchmarks ◦ Learning outcomes

3  Inappropriate grading practice: It is not appropriate practice to grade students on their fitness assessments scores  Appropriate grading practice include: ◦ Cognitive understanding of fitness components ◦ Application of fitness assessments  Goal setting for each component  Multi-year portfolio development

4  Assessment for Learning ◦ Ongoing assessment to help students learn by providing feedback that leads to goal setting and improvement. ◦ What does this look like?  Peer Observation  Self-Observation  Game Play or Modified Game Play  Event Tasks  Role Play  Interviews  Journals  Portfolios

5  Assessment of Learning ◦ Used for grading. They are final because there is no chance for the teacher to adjust or for learners to improve ◦ What does it look like?  Portfolios  Student Projects  Game Play  Student Performances  Cognitive Exams

6  Power of assessment for learning – used throughout the instructional process to enhance student learning rather than being done at the conclusion  Teaching is purposeful and learning is intentional –when learning is expected, assessment is necessary for documentation students have reached the desired level of competence ◦ Differentiation – Blooms Taxonomy


8  Data Driven ◦ What is currently in place  What does it look like?  Is it standards based or standards referenced?  Common assessments  Rubrics  E-portfolios  Lessons focused on learning outcomes ◦ If students don’t accomplish a learning objective, you are responsible for re-teaching it and to figure out how to change the instruction or practices tasks to ensure student learning

9  Require students to use all the skills and knowledge acquired during the unit/course  Elementary, Middle School, High School ◦ What does it look like?

10  Diagnostic ◦ (pretest) occurs before instruction  Formative ◦ (monitoring) occurs while learning and improvement is taking place  Summative ◦ (summing up for grade) occurs near the end of a unit of instruction

11 ◦ Determine Competency Level ◦ Student learning central to the delivery of instruction. ◦ Assessments developed before the start of instruction ◦ Diagnostic, formative, summative  Where students have learned  Point areas still in need of instruction  Re-teach where competency is not met.

12  Guidance Document Guidance Document  High Quality Physical EducationQuality  der.cfm?csModule=security/getfile&pageid=12703 der.cfm?csModule=security/getfile&pageid=12703  High Quality Health Education –Skills BasedHealth Education  43/Quality_Checklist_for_Selecting_Skills-Based.pdf 43/Quality_Checklist_for_Selecting_Skills-Based.pdf  ndex.htm ndex.htm  Lund, Kirk: Performance Based Assessment 2 nd Edition  Lund, Veal: Assessment-Driven Instruction in Physical Education, 2013

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