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Function point

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1 function point

2 C data types Function pointers 1 Function pointers allow referencing functions with a particular signature. For example, to store the address of the standard function abs in the variable my_int_f:

3 C data types Function pointers 1 Function pointers are invoked by name just like normal function calls. Function pointers are separate from pointers and void pointers.

4 C syntax Function Pointers 1 The following program shows use of a function pointer for selecting between addition and subtraction:

5 Function point 1 A function point is a unit of measurement to express the amount of business functionality an information system (as a product) provides to a user. The cost (in dollars or hours) of a single unit is calculated from past projects.

6 Function point 1 Mark-II: ISO/IEC 20968:2002 Software engineering - Ml II Function Point Analysis - Counting Practices Manual

7 Function point 1 NESMA: ISO/IEC 24570:2005 Software engineering - NESMA function size measurement method version 2.1 - Definitions and counting guidelines for the application of Function Point Analysis

8 Function point 1 More recently, OMG produced a standard for Automated Function Point (AFP) counting. Announced in 2012, it's available to the public for download at

9 Function point 1 Bill Curtis, Director of the Consortium for IT Software Quality (CISQ), Capers Jones and David Herron, member of the IFPUG's Management and Reporting Committee, co-author of The IFPUG Guide to IT and Software Measurement, and one of the original founders of the David Consulting Group, an independent consulting firm expert in Function Point.

10 Function point - Introduction 1 This distinction is important because it tends to make the functions measured in function points map easily into user- oriented requirements, but it also tends to hide internal functions (e.g

11 Function point - Introduction 1 Early and easy function points - Adjusts for problem and data complexity with two questions that yield a somewhat subjective complexity measurement; simplifies measurement by eliminating the need to count data elements.

12 Function point - Introduction 1 Engineering function points :- Elements (variable names) and operators (e.g., arithmetic, equality/inequality, Boolean) are counted. This variation highlights computational function. The intent is similar to that of the operator/operand- based Halstead Complexity Measures.

13 Function point - Introduction 1 Weighted Micro Function Points - One of the newer models (2009) which adjusts function points using weights derived from program flow complexity, operand and operator vocabulary, object usage, and algorithmic intricacy.

14 Function point - Benefits 1 The use of function points in favor of lines of code seek to address several additional issues:

15 Function point - Benefits 1 LOC measures are not useful during early project phases where estimating the number of lines of code that will be delivered is challenging. However, Function Points can be derived from requirements and therefore are useful in methods such as estimation by proxy.

16 Function point - Criticism 1 Albrecht observed in his research that Function Points were highly correlated to lines of code, which has resulted in a questioning of the value of such a measure if a more objective measure, namely counting lines of code, is available

17 Function pointer 1 Function pointers can be used to simplify code by providing a simple way to select a function to execute based on run-time values.

18 Function pointer - Simple function pointers 1 Such pointers in older languages are generally less type safety|type-safe than in more modern languages, though, since the latter associate more data type|typing information with a function pointer variable, such as the data type of the return value of the function and the data type information of the parameter (computer programming)|parameters to the function.

19 Function pointer - Example in C 1 Function compute_sum in turn invokes one of the two functions indirectly by dereferencing its function pointer argument funcp multiple times, adding together the values that the invoked function returns and returning the resulting sum

20 Function pointer - Example in C 1 // Function taking a function pointer as an argument

21 Function points 1 A 'function point' is a unit of measurement to express the amount of business functionality an information system (as a product) provides to a user. The cost (in dollars or hours) of a single unit is calculated from past projects.Thomas Cutting, [ learned-in-project-management-traditional Estimating Lessons Learned in Project Management - Traditional], Retrieved on May 28, 2010

22 Function points 1, there are several recognized standards and/or public specifications for sizing software based on Function Point

23 Function points 1 * Mark-II: ISO/IEC 20968:2002 Software engineering - Ml II Function Point Analysis - Counting Practices Manual

24 Function points 1 * NESMA: [ e_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=372 89 ISO/IEC 24570:2005] Software engineering - NESMA function size measurement method version 2.1 - Definitions and counting guidelines for the application of Function Point Analysis

25 Function points 1 '2. OMG Specification for Automated Function Point'

26 Function points 1 OMG/CISQ Specification “Automated Function Points”,February 2013, OMG Document Number ptc/2013-02-01

27 Function points - Introduction 1 This distinction is important because it tends to make the functions measured in function points map easily into user- oriented requirements, but it also tends to hide internal functions (e.g

28 Function points - Introduction 1 * Early and easy function points - Adjusts for problem and data complexity with two questions that yield a somewhat subjective complexity measurement; simplifies measurement by eliminating the need to count data elements.

29 Function points - Introduction 1 * Engineering function points :- Elements (variable names) and operators (e.g., arithmetic, equality/inequality, Boolean) are counted. This variation highlights computational function.Engineering Function Points and Tracking System, [ 94d11e.asp Software Technology Support Center], Retrieved on May 14, 2008 The intent is similar to that of the operator/operand-based Halstead Complexity Measures.

30 Function points - Introduction 1 * Weighted Micro Function Points - One of the newer models (2009) which adjusts function points using weights derived from program flow complexity, operand and operator vocabulary, object usage, and algorithmic intricacy.

31 Function points - Benefits 1 * LOC measures are not useful during early project phases where estimating the number of lines of code that will be delivered is challenging. However, Function Points can be derived from requirements and therefore are useful in methods such as estimation by proxy.

32 Function points - Criticism 1 “Function point analysis: difficulties and improvements.” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

33 Function points - Criticism 1 Hemmstra, F. and Kusters R. Function point analysis: evaluation of a software cost estimation model. European Journal of Information Systems. 1991. Vol 1, No 4. pp 229-237.

34 Function points - Criticism 1 Symons, C. Software sizing and estimating: Mk II FPA (Function Point Analysis). John Wiley Sons, Inc. New York, NY, USA.1991

35 Function points - Criticism 1 A comparison of function point counting techniques

36 Function points - Criticism 1 Fischman, L. Evolving Function Points Crosstalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering. 2001. Volume 14, Issue 2. pp 24-27.

37 RubyCocoa - Function Pointers 1 RubyCocoa allows you to pass Ruby Proc objects as function pointer arguments. It will then use the libffi library to dynamically create a closure and pass it to the underlying function/method.

38 COSMIC software sizing - COSMIC / traditional function points differences 1 From a pure size measurement point of view, the most important improvements of the COSMIC method compared with using traditional Function Points are as follows

39 COSMIC software sizing - COSMIC / traditional function points differences 1 * The COSMIC method was designed to measure the functional requirements of software in the domains of business application, real-time and infrastructure software (e.g. operating systems, web components, etc.), in any layer of a multi- layer architecture and at any level of decomposition. Traditional Function Points were designed to measure only the functionality ‘seen’ by human users of business software in the application layer.

40 COSMIC software sizing - COSMIC / traditional function points differences 1 Traditional Function Points can therefore give highly misleading sizes for certain types of software which means that great care must be taken when using these sizes for performance measurement or estimating

41 COSMIC software sizing - COSMIC / traditional function points differences 1 * The COSMIC method gives a much finer measure of the size of any changes to be made to software than traditional function points. The smallest change that can be measured with the COSMIC method is 1 CFP.

42 Weighted Micro Function Points 1 'Weighted Micro Function Points' ('WMFP') is a modern Software Sizing|software sizing algorithm invented by Logical Solutions[ ost_estimation/images/files/PCMProManual.p df ProjectCodeMeter (2010) ProjectCodeMeter Users Manual pages 33– 34] in 2009 which is a successor to solid ancestor scientific methods as COCOMO, COSYSMO, maintainability index, cyclomatic complexity, function points, and Halstead Complexity Measures|Halstead complexity

43 For More Information, Visit: m/the-function-point- toolkit.html m/the-function-point- toolkit.html The Art of Service

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