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Warm-Up / EOC Prep Complete each situation: 1. As prey pop. increases, predator pop. ____ 2. As prey pop. decreases, predator pop. ____ 3. As predator.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up / EOC Prep Complete each situation: 1. As prey pop. increases, predator pop. ____ 2. As prey pop. decreases, predator pop. ____ 3. As predator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up / EOC Prep Complete each situation: 1. As prey pop. increases, predator pop. ____ 2. As prey pop. decreases, predator pop. ____ 3. As predator pop. increases, prey pop. ____ 4. As predator pop. decreases, prey pop. ____ 5. Which of the following represents a correct ecological hierarchy? ACommunity  population  ecosystem  biosphere BPopulation  community  biosphere  ecosystem CPopulation  community  ecosystem  biosphere DEcosystem  community  population  biosphere You can abbreviate #1.

2 Agenda Warm Up Notes Climate Change WS / Global Temp. Change Clean Up Progress Reports Ecology Quiz 2 Friday!!

3 Climate Change Guided Notes 10

4 Climate Change Researchers are gathering data to monitor and evaluate the effects of human activities on important systems in the biosphere. Two of these systems are: 1.Ozone Layer 2.Global Climate System

5 Ozone Depletion Ozone Layer-the atmosphere between 20-50 km above Earth’s surface that contains a relatively high concentration of ozone gas Molecules of ozone consist of 3 oxygen atoms

6 Ozone Depletion Although ozone at ground level is a pollutant, the naturally occurring ozone layer is very important. The ozone layer absorbs a lot of harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight before it reaches Earth’s surface.

7 Ozone Depletion UV radiation causes sunburn, but it can also cause cancer, damage eyes, and decrease an organism’s resistance to disease UV radiation can also damage plants Therefore the ozone layer serves as the Earth’s sunscreen

8 Ozone depletion In the 1970s, scientists discovered a hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica Since then the hole has grown larger Scientists have also found that gases called chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, can damage the ozone layer


10 Ozone Depletion CFCs were once widely used as propellants in aerosol cans and as coolant in refrigerators and freezers Since the CFC research was done, most uses of CFCs are banned, however, CFC molecules can stick around for as long as 100 years, so their effects are still being felt.

11 Ozone Depletion The level of CFCs has already began to fall, suggesting that the CFC ban worked Current data predicts that the ozone holes should shrink and disappear within 50 years

12 Global Climate Change All life on Earth depends on specific climate conditions, so any change in climate could cause major ecological problems Since the 1800s the temperature on Earth’s surface has risen 0.6 Celsius degrees and since 1980, average temperatures have risen between 0.2 and 0.3 degrees Celsius

13 Global Climate Change The increase in the average temperature of the biosphere is known as global warming


15 Global Climate Change Evidence of Global Warming: 1.Melting polar ice 2.Concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have been rising for 200 years due to human activities such as the cutting and burning of forests and the burning of fossil fuels

16 Global Climate Change Greenhouse effect-the process in which the production of infrared radiation by the atmosphere causes the warming of Earth’s surface Adding carbon dioxide increases the atmosphere’s natural greenhouse effect, causing the atmosphere to retain more heat.


18 Global Climate Change Effects of Global Warming: 1.Average global surface temperatures will increase by 1 to 2 Celsius degrees by the year 2050. 2.Sea levels may rise enough to flood some coastal areas 3.Organisms may become threatened or extinct


20 Review

21 The layer of atmosphere that protects earth from harmful UV radiation is called….

22 The ozone

23 What caused the hole in the ozone?

24 CFCs

25 The gradual warming of the earth is called what?

26 Global warming

27 The variety of life on earth is called…

28 biodiversity

29 The wise management of organisms and preservation of habitats is called…

30 Conservation

31 Reminders Ecology Quiz 2 Friday!! Biome Brochure Due Next Fri. (Feb. 18 th )


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