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1 GIFS-TIGGE WG MEETING AUG. 31 – SEPT. 2 2011, GENEVA, SWITZERLAND Richard Swinbank & Zoltan Toth (UK Metoffice & NOAA/OAR/ESRL/GSD) Acknowledgements:

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Presentation on theme: "1 GIFS-TIGGE WG MEETING AUG. 31 – SEPT. 2 2011, GENEVA, SWITZERLAND Richard Swinbank & Zoltan Toth (UK Metoffice & NOAA/OAR/ESRL/GSD) Acknowledgements:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 GIFS-TIGGE WG MEETING AUG. 31 – SEPT. 2 2011, GENEVA, SWITZERLAND Richard Swinbank & Zoltan Toth (UK Metoffice & NOAA/OAR/ESRL/GSD) Acknowledgements: Jim Caughey, IPO

2 WELCOME TO 9 TH GIFS-TIGGE WG MEETING Thank you all for coming! Proposed meeting schedule –Wedn 10 am – Fri ~4 pm Who has to leave before Fri mid-afternoon? – Sessions Morning 9-12:30, with break around 10:30? Afternoon 1:30-5, with break around 3 pm? Lunch at cafeteria on top floor Other local arrangements from Jim

3 AGENDA Wedn 1Introduction 2Meeting reports 3TIGGE 4TIGGE-LAM Thurs 5GIFS Developments 6Tropical Cyclone Products 7Heavy precipitation & other gridded products Fri 8Long term plans for TIGGE & GIFS 9GEO 10WG membership 11Other issues 12Review action items & decisions, next meeting

4 MEETING OBJECTIVES - TIGGE TIGGE status –Global ensembles available since Oct 2006 –Producing centers keep adding fields to complete list of variables –Periodic updates of ensemble and archive retrieval systems And planned interruptions at some centers –Impact on research Discussion topics –Can data provider and archive centers continue TIGGE Until end of THORPEX program (2014) Beyond THORPEX? –How can we further increase impact of TIGGE on research? Are there requests for additional/new data? –Unified ensemble data access mechanism for Can data access mechanism / protocol used to retrieve data from archives also be used for real time access from producing centers?

5 MEETING OBJECTIVES - GIFS GIFS status –Conceptual plan laid down in TIP (2004) –Repeated attempts by WG at fleshing out some details of plan –Issues Real time access to ensemble data –Technical approach –Commitment from organizations How to facilitate international collaboration for development of new products –Rules for “toolbox”? How to support operational production –Distribute effort across existing centers? –Current approach Work with SWFDP to identify and test new products Two focus areas –TC –Heavy precipitation –Very slow progress Planning process dragging out Lack of dedicated resources / commitments? Discussion topics –Develop 2 options for ICSC’s consideration for GIFS? 1)Assign high priority to GIFS development –Organizations commit resources 2)Change plans in TIP –Make GIFS-TIGGE WG a discussion forum, review related developments but don’t plan on contributing materially

6 PERSONAL NOTE - ZT Planning to step down as co-chair at end of this meeting –Richard & Jim have been aware of this for a while –Will stay on as member until new member is identified from NOAA Time for me to move on –Have been member since start of WG (2004-5) Reached limit of two consecutive 3 year terms Served 4+ yrs as co-chair –Would like others to have the opportunity to serve Co-chair from other region? US member from NCEP –Assumed new THORPEX responsibilities US Rep on ICSC since 2009 –Changed jobs At research lab, not with NCEP More management responsibilities Thank you all for your collaboration! –Had a great time on WG –Can discuss changes further Friday under “Membership”

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