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TEEN LOBBY DAY PRE- TRAINING Presented by: TC Facilitator Name.

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Presentation on theme: "TEEN LOBBY DAY PRE- TRAINING Presented by: TC Facilitator Name."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEEN LOBBY DAY PRE- TRAINING Presented by: TC Facilitator Name

2 Essential Questions  What is Lobbying and why do we do it?  How do State Legislative decisions impact Planned Parenthood?  What are our Teen Lobby Day Issues?  Who represents me in our capital?  How can I have an impact at Lobby Day?

3 What is lobbying?  Attempting to influence the decisions made by the Government and its agencies  Carried out by corporations, organizations, and individuals  Continual process  In person, over the phone, via email, or personal letter

4 Who has been to Teen Lobby Day before?

5 Federal Government Structure

6 State Government Structure This slide can be used to share the structure of your particular state’s government.

7 Put the steps in order!

8 How a Bill Becomes a Law

9 Teen Lobby Day Issues  This slide can be used to share what issues the teens will be lobbying about!  In the slides that follow, you will find an example of how PPGNW has explained the issue of Family Planning Funding.

10 Family Planning Funding  Family Planning Programs: good for our families and good for the budget  Family planning saves more than it costs- the same year  When family planning funds are cut, new costs arise within nine months.  For every $1 cut from publicly funded family planning programs, over $6 will be spent in new unintended pregnancies, starting the same year a cut is made

11 Family Planning Funding  For many families who are barely hanging on in this recession, family planning is a critical safety net  Some women will not be able to afford coverage on the exchange, even with subsidies  Women will not have insurance coverage the day they enroll

12 Family Planning Funding  Family planning SAVES money!  For every $1 invested the State SAVES $6.30  Maintain reproductive health care funding- We can’t afford not to!  Raise revenue!

13 Get Ready to Lobby! Check-In: So far, we have covered: What is Lobbying and why do we do it? How do State Legislative decisions impact Planned Parenthood? What are the Teen Lobby Day Issues?  Who represents me in Olympia?  How can I have an impact at Lobby Day?

14 Getting to Know Your Legislator  Which Legislator is pro-choice? Anti-choice? Insert photo of Senator Insert photo of Representative

15 Senator  This slide can be used to feature important information about the state senator student’s will be lobbying!  This slide should share the senator's name, age, time they have been in office, how they have voted on our issues in the past and the committees on which they serve.

16 Representative  This slide can be used to share information about the state representative teens will be lobbying!  This slide should share the representative's name, age, time they have been in office, how they have voted on our issues in the past and the committees on which they serve.

17 Ladder of Support Champion Supporter On the Fence Unsupportive Foe

18 Ladder of Support  Your goal is to move your Legislator up the ladder!  Champions:  Ask them to talk to a colleague that is on the fence about our issue  Speak up out on behalf of our bill in committee or on the floor  Supporters:  Ask supporters to sponsor or co-sponsor our bill  Fence Sitters & Unsupportive Folks:  Try to find common ground  Share your story to help build a relationship  Foes:  Share your story to build a relationship  Remember to ALWAYS be respectful

19 Your Story is Powerful  Things to think about:  Why you decided to become a Teen Council Member  A time when you or a friend needed family planning services  Why these issues are important to you and your friends  Stories you have heard from your peers  The vision you have for the world you want to live in

20 Questions?

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