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MOBILE TRAINING MODULE.  MTM-Mobile Training Module: A mobile unit containing all tools and equipment necessary for mobile training and testing.  Training.

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2  MTM-Mobile Training Module: A mobile unit containing all tools and equipment necessary for mobile training and testing.  Training can include: ALS training, Pole top, ladder, Nisto rescue training, Sectionalizer training, gloving certification, etc.

3 WHY?  Previous ALS program training was centralized with all specialized tools and equipment centrally located at the TMC. Since then, the ALS program was decentralized and specialized training has been assigned to the service centers. Although broadly considered a good transition, many service centers & trucks were/are not prepared with the necessary tools and equipment for the specialized training that Apprentice Line Specialists are required to have.  For Example:  Plastics vs eels for primary cover  Wire tongs & saddles  Various sticking attachments  Blocks & tackle  Three-phase lift, etc.  With very limited storage available locally, FMO ALS training began with a Conex box to store training materials. After one summer, equipment began to deteriorate quickly (mold, rust, & corrosion). MTM provides proper storage and easy access to training equipment.

4 WHY CONTINUED…  The ALS program requires apprentices to be tested by instructors other than their own. The MTM allows the mobility that instructors need to move tools and equipment to a testing location. This mobility is advantageous for training as well; instructors and apprentices from adjacent service centers can join creating a superior training experience.  Provides an optimal training environment with advantages such as: easy access to organized tools and equipment needed, whiteboard for play-by- play instruction, and even a shaded area for observation and performing of HAF’s.  MTM can be trailered easily with a pick-up truck, making it ideal for traveling storm assignments.  The MTM will demonstrate a commitment to safety and training excellence to everyone inside and outside of the TBO area.

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