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Item 7a: Base Reuse Plan “Post-Reassessment”. BRP “Post-Reassessment” Reassessment process completed in Dec. 2012 Final Reassessment Report is available.

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Presentation on theme: "Item 7a: Base Reuse Plan “Post-Reassessment”. BRP “Post-Reassessment” Reassessment process completed in Dec. 2012 Final Reassessment Report is available."— Presentation transcript:

1 Item 7a: Base Reuse Plan “Post-Reassessment”

2 BRP “Post-Reassessment” Reassessment process completed in Dec. 2012 Final Reassessment Report is available on FORA’s web site, Policy considerations for BRP and procedural modifications – 5 categories I.Modifications and Corrections (i.e., typos, outdated references, etc.) II.Prior Board Actions and Regional Plan Consistency III.Implementation of Policies and Programs IV.Policy and Program Modifications V.FORA Procedures and Operations -All five categories are summarized in the current Board packet. -The options identified are not necessarily “exhaustive.”

3 Next step (workshops) - Select/prioritize “action items” Near-term Longer-term Recommended approach and schedule- Series of three public workshops: 1.Fri., Feb. 15, 1:30 – 3:30 (immediately before reg. Board meeting) 2.Fri., Mar. 22, 2:00 – 5:00 (special Board meeting) 3.Fri., Apr. 19, 2:00 - 5:00 (special Board meeting) Workshop format Board meetings – noticed/open public meetings, including public comment period Professional facilitation services (draft RFQ ready for issuance) CSUMB offer to assist with facilitation

4 Suggested tentative workshop framework Workshop 1 Potential “early direction” items (e.g., Category I) Consideration of jurisdictions’ guiding principles Consider prioritizing based on: o Existing BRP obligations (e.g., Regional Urban Design Guidelines) o Greatest public interest expressed (Veterans Cemetery, blighted areas) o Recent changes (Nat’l Mon.) o Cost-effectiveness (e.g., shorter timeline to complete; in-house staff) Options/topics beyond those in the Reassessment Report? Workshop 2 Seek consensus on preferable policy option for selected topics Workshop 3 Formulate mix of goals (short-/longer-term) Explore grouping based on likely CEQA review

5 Recommendation i.Provide scheduling/format direction for a future “post-reassessment” Board workshop. ii.Authorize the Executive Officer to select and enter into contract with a professional facilitator for three workshops, not to exceed $15,000.

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