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Published byAudrey Amy Hines Modified over 8 years ago
알고리즘 설계 및 분석 Foundations of Algorithm 유관우
Digital Media Lab. 2 Chap4. Greedy Approach Grabs data items in sequence, each time with “best” choice, without thinking future. Efficient, but can not solve many problems Dynamic programming G.A : Choose locally optimal choice 1-by-1 D.P : solve smaller problems optimal solution. (Eg) coin change problem: Goal: correct change + as few coins as possible. Approach : choose largest possible coin. Locally optimal choice optimal solution. No reconsideration! Q?: Is the solution really optimal? ( proof required!!!) (Eg) 우리나라 동전 system : Greedy Approach O.K. 이상한 나라 : ⑧⑥② 12 ? Dynamic Programming.
Digital Media Lab. 3 Minimum Spanning Trees (MST) Connected weighted undirected graph Disconnected graph Tree : connected acyclic graph n vertices, (n-1) edges, connected Unique path between 2 vertices Rooted tree, spanning tree G = ( V, E) A conn. Weighted undirected G v1v1 v3v3 v4v4 v5v5 v2v2 1 3 3 6 4 2 5 A S.T. 1 3 6 5 1 3 4 2 An MST Spanning forest
Digital Media Lab. 4 Weight of a spanning tree T : M.S.T : a S.T. with min. such weight Input : Adjacency Matrix W of G=(V,E) connected, weighted, undirected Output : An MST T=(V,F). (F ⊆ E) Uniqueness? (|F|=|V|-1) Greedy Approach : F= Ø {initialization} While not solved yet do { Select an edge (L.O.C). {selection} if create not cycle then add. {feasibility} if T=(V,F) is a S.T. then exit. {solution check} } Prim’s Alg., Kruskal’s Alg. different locally optimal choice.
Digital Media Lab. 5 Prim’s Algorithm F=Ø; Y={v 1 }; //Initialization// While not solved do { Select v ∈ V-Y nearest to Y; //selection feasibility Add v to Y; add the edge to F; if Y=V then exit; } v1v1 v3v3 v4v4 v5v5 v2v2 1 3 3 6 4 2 5 v1v1 v3v3 v4v4 v5v5 v2v2 1 3 3 6 4 2 5 v1v1 v3v3 v4v4 v5v5 v2v2 1 3 3 6 4 2 5 v1v1 v3v3 v4v4 v5v5 v2v2 1 3 3 6 4 2 5 v1v1 v3v3 v4v4 v5v5 v2v2 1 3 3 6 4 2 5 v1v1 v3v3 v4v4 v5v5 v2v2 1 3 3 6 4 2 5 Input GraphF=Ø, Y={v 1 } F={(v 1,v 2 )} Y={v 1,v 2 } {(v 1,v 2 ),(v 2,v 3 )} {v 1,v 2,v 3 } (v 3,v 5 ) F v 5 Y (v 3,v 4 ) F v 4 Y //no negative weight edge // v1v1 v3v3 v4v4 v5v5 v2v2 1 3 3 6 4 2 5
Digital Media Lab. 6 Data Structures : n ⅹ n adjacency Matrix W. nearest[i]=index of vertex in Y nearest to v i distance[i]= weight of edge (v i, nearest[i]) procedure Prim(n, W, var F : set_of_edges) var i, near, min, e (edge), nearest : array [2..n] of index; distance : array [2..n] of number; { F=Ø; for i=2 to n do { nearest[i]=1; distance[i]=W[1,i];} repeat n-1 times min=∞; for i=2 to n do if 0≤distance[i]<min then { min=distance[i]; near=i; } e=(near, nearest[near]); add e to F distance[near]=-1; for i=2 to n do if W[i,near]<distance[i] then { distance[i]=W[i,near]; nearest[i]=near;} }
Digital Media Lab. 7 (Every-case) time complexity Analysis : T(n) = 2(n-1)(n-2) ∈ θ(n 2 ) Q1: Spanning tree ? : Yes. Easy. Q2: Minimum S.T. ? Formal proof required Q3: How to implement F? var parent : array [2..n] of index; (parameter) e=(near,..) ⇒ parent[near]=nearest[near] Better way array nearest( local var ⅹ, parameter O) holds the information!!! Proof for MST (proof for Prim’s Alg.) F ⊆ E is promising if F ⊆ T (an MST) (Eg) {(v 1,v 2 ),(v 1,v 3 )} : promising {(v 2,v 4 )} : not promising
Digital Media Lab. 8 Lemma F : promising subset of E. Y : set of vertices connected by F e : Then F ∪ {e} is promising (proof) F is promising ⇒∃ MST(V,F´) s.t. F ⊆ F´. If e ∈ F´ (F ∪ {e} ⊆ F´) then done. Otherwise (e F’) : F´ ∪ {e} ∋ exactly one cycle ∃ e´ ∈ F´ that connects vertex in Y and vertex in V-Y weight (e´)≥ weight (e) F´ ∪ {e}- {e´} : an MST F ∪ {e} ⊆ F´ ∪ {e}- {e´} ⇒ F ∪ {e} : promising Theorem : Prim’s Algorithm produces an MST (Proof) Basis : Ø is promising I. H. : Assume F is promising I. S. : e : edge selected in the next iteration F ∪ {e} is promising by Lemma YV-Y Min-weight edge YV-Y e e´e´
Digital Media Lab. 9 Kruskal’s Algorithm F=Ø Create n disjoint subsets {v 1 }, {v 2 },…,{v n }; Sort the edges in E; While not solved do { select next edge; if the edge connects 2 disjoint subsets{ merge the subsets; add the edge to F;} if all the subsets are merged then exit; } v1v1 v3v3 v4v4 v5v5 v2v2 1 3 3 6 4 2 5 v1v1 v3v3 v4v4 v5v5 v2v2 v1v1 v3v3 v4v4 v5v5 v2v2 v1v1 v3v3 v4v4 v5v5 v2v2 ① ③ ② v1v1 v3v3 v4v4 v5v5 v2v2 Input Graph Disjoint sets (v 1,v 2 ) 1 (v 3,v 5 ) 2 ( 1, 3) 3 ( 2, 3) 3 ( 3, 4) 4 ( 4, 5) 5 ( 2, 4) 6 ⅹ
Digital Media Lab. 10 Procedural kruskal(n, m: integers; E :set_of_edges; var F : set_of_edges); Var i, j : index; p, q : set_pointer; e : edge { sort m edges of E; F=Ø; initial(n); //Initialize n disjoint sets.// repeat e=next edge; (i, j ) =e; p=find(i); q=find(j); if p≠q then {merge (p, q); add e to F; } until |F|=n-1; } Worst-case time complexity Analysis : θ(m log m) Sorting : θ(m log m) Initialization :θ(n) Total time for find, merge : θ(mα( m, n)) Remaining op’s : O(m)
Digital Media Lab. 11 Lemma :F ⊆ E promising e : min weight edge in E-F s.t. F ∪ {e} has no cycle Then F ∪ {e} is promising (Proof) F is promising ⇒∃ (V,F´) MST & F ⊆ F´. If e ∈ F´, then F ∪ {e} ⊆ F´, done. Otherwise :F´ ∪ {e} ∋ exactly one cycle F ∪ {e} has no cycle ⇒∃ e´ ∈ F´ in the cycle s.t. e´ F ⇒ e´ ∈ E-F. F ∪ {e´} ⊆ F´ ⇒ F ∪ {e´} has no cycle Therefore, weight(e) ≤ weight(e´) F´ ∪ {e}-{e´} is also an MST, and F ∪ {e} ⊆ F´ ∪ {e}-{e´} ⇒ F ∪ {e} is promising Theorem : Kruskal’s Alg. Produces an MST Prim’s A. : θ(n 2 ), Kruskal’s A. : θ(m log m) (Note : n-1 ≤ m ≤ n(n-1)/2) Prim’s Alg. : θ(m log n) if binary heap θ(m + n log n) if Fibonacci heap
Digital Media Lab. 12 Dijkstra’s Algorithm for S.S.S.P. All-pairs shortest prob. :θ(n 3 ) Floyd Alg.(D.P.) (no negative-weight cycle) Single-Source Shortest Path Prob. Dijkstra’s Alg. Θ(n 2 ), Greedy Approach Similar to Prim’s Alg. Start with {v 1 }; //source// Choose nearest vertex from v 1,… Y={v 1 }; F=Ø; //Shortest paths tree // While not solved do { Select v from V-Y nearest from v 1 using only Y as intermediates; add v to Y add the edge touching v to F; if Y=V then Exit; } Weighted directed graph (no negative-weight edge) Adjacency Matrix : Input
Digital Media Lab. 13 Touch[i]=index of v ∈ Y s.t. is the last edge from v 1 to v i using only Y as intermediates Length[i]=length of such shortest path Every-case Time Complexity T(n)=2(n-1) 2 ∈ θ(n 2 ) Binary heap : θ(m log n) Fibonacci heap : θ(m + n log n) v1v1 v2v2 v5v5 v4v4 v3v3 v1v1 v2v2 v5v5 v4v4 v3v3 1 1 6 3 4 5 2 7 1 6 4 7 v1v1 v2v2 v5v5 v4v4 v3v3 1 1 6 3 4 5 2 7 2 4 7 4 V 5 is selected v1v1 v2v2 v5v5 v4v4 v3v3 1 1 3 7 v4v4 v3v3 v2v2 v1v1 v2v2 v5v5 v4v4 v3v3 5 5
Digital Media Lab. 14 Procedural dijkstra ( n : integer; W, F); Var i, near, e, touch[2...n], length[2…n] { F=Ø; for i=2 to n do { touch[i]=1; length[i]=W[1,i];} repeat n-1 times { min=∞; for i=2 to n do if 0≤length[i]<min then { min=length[i]; near=i; } e=(touch[near], near); add e to F; for i=2 to n do if length[near]+W[near,i]< length[i] then { length[i]=length[near]+W[near, i]; touch[i]=near;} length[near]=-1; } } Note : touch[2...n] constructs the shortest Path Tree.
Digital Media Lab. 15 Scheduling Minimization Total Time in the System (Eg) t 1 =5, t 2 =10, t 3 =4 Schedule Total time in the system [1, 2, 3] 5 + (5+10) + (5+10+4) = 39 [1, 3, 2] 5 + (5+4) + (5+4+10) = 33 [2, 1, 3] 10 + (10+5) + (10+5+4) = 44 [2, 3, 1] 10 + (10+4) + (10+4+5) = 43 [3, 1, 2] 4 + (4+5) + (4+5+10) = 32 [3, 2, 1] 4 + (4+10) + (4+10+5) = 37 Algorithm : Sort in non-decreasing order, and schedule Scheduling with Deadlines Job deadline profit Schedule Total Profit 1 2 30 [1, 3] 30 + 25 = 55 2 1 35 [2, 1] 30 + 35 = 65 3 2 25 [2, 3] 35 + 25 = 60 4 1 40 [3, 1] 30 + 25 = 55 [4, 1] 40 + 30 = 70 [4, 3] 40 + 25 = 65
Digital Media Lab. 16 Strategy : Sort in non-increasing order by profit. Schedule next job as late as possible. (Eg) Job Deadline Profit 1 3 40 2 1 35 3 1 30 4 3 25 5 1 20 6 3 15 7 2 10 121241765332413 100: optimal Time Complexity : θ(n log n) Disjoint set forest op.’s necessary!
Digital Media Lab. 17 G.A. versus D.P. : The knapsack problem G.A. : more efficient, simpler (difficult proof) D.P. : more powerful (easy proof) (Eg) G.A. : 0/1 knapsack ⅹ D.P.: 0/1 knapsack O G.A to 0/1 knapsack problem S = {item 1, item 2,…,item n} w i = weight of item i p i = profit of item i W = maximum weight the knapsack can hold. (w i, p i, W : positive integers) Determine A ⊆ S s.t. is maximized s.t. Brute Force Approach : consider all subsets 2 n subsets exponential time Alg.
Digital Media Lab. 18 Greedy Strategy : Largest profit first : incorrect (eg) (w 1, w 2, w 3 ) = (25, 10, 10) (P 1, P 2, P 3 ) = (10, 9, 9) W = 30 Greedy : 10 optimal : 18 Lightest item first : ⅹ Largest profit per unit weight first ⅹ (eg) (w 1, w 2, w 3 ) = (5, 10, 20) (P 1, P 2, P 3 ) = (50, 60, 140) W = 30 Greedy : 190 optimal : 200 G.A. to fractional knapsack problem ③ : optimal solution guaranteed (Eg) 50+140+5/10(60)=220 (proof necessary)
Digital Media Lab. 19 D.P. Approach to 0/1-knapsack Prob. Principle of optimality ? Yes A : optimal subset of S ① item n ∈ A : A is opt. for S-{item n } ② item n ∈ A : A-{item n } is optimal for S-{item n } P[i, w]:optimal profit for {item 1, …,item i } with w being left in K.S. Maximum profit :P[n, W] P : array [0..n, 0..W] of integer; Time : θ(nW) space : θ(nW) ⇒ pseudo-polynomial time alg. (Note : 0/1 knapsack prob. Is NP-complete) ⇒ If W is big, terrible performance!!!
Digital Media Lab. 20 Refinement Θ(nW) time & space may be too much ! ⇒ improve to θ(2 n ) Idea : All i-th row of P[0..n, 0..W] need not be computed n-th row : P[n, W] only (n-1)th row : P[n-1,W], P[n-1,W-w n ) (2) (n-2)th row : (4) stop when n=1 or w≤0 ( ∵ P[i, w] is computed from P[i-1,w] and P[i-1,w-w i ]) Total # entries = 1+2+2 2 +…+2 n-1 =2 n -1 θ(2 n ) time ∴ Worst-case time complexity for 0/1-KS problem using D.P.: O(min (2 n, nW))
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