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CSU Math and Science Teacher Initiative and STEM CAP: Making it Work September 26, 2009 Dr. Joan Bissell Director, Teacher Education and Public School.

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Presentation on theme: "CSU Math and Science Teacher Initiative and STEM CAP: Making it Work September 26, 2009 Dr. Joan Bissell Director, Teacher Education and Public School."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSU Math and Science Teacher Initiative and STEM CAP: Making it Work September 26, 2009 Dr. Joan Bissell Director, Teacher Education and Public School Programs and Mathematics and Science Teacher Initiative Office of the Chancellor California State University

2 STEM CAP Recognizes Acute Problems in California’s Supply of Math and Science Teachers  It is estimated that California will need 33,000 new mathematics and science teachers over the next decade  Low-income and minority students are disproportionately taught by out-of-field and under-prepared teachers  The state’s lowest performing secondary schools are 3-4 times as likely to have underprepared math and/or science teachers

3 STEM CAP Recommendation: Comprehensive Math & Science Teacher Recruitment CSU Strategies for Doubling Math & Science Teachers  Comprehensive Recruitment  New Options and Multiple Pathways  Financial Support and Incentives  Community College Alignment and Transfer  Internet-supported Delivery of Instruction  Partnerships with Federal Labs, Industry, Foundations

4 STEM CAP Recommendation: Motivate Study and Entering into STEM Careers CSU Math and Science Teacher Initiative Results  Significant overall gains occurred –+ 76.6% in CSU teacher production (768 to 1,356) –+ 83.5% if second authorizations included (768 to 1,409)  Major gains in mathematics –Increase of 125% (349 to 786) –Foundational Level Math Credential  Gains in all four science areas –Biology +24% (295 to 367) –Chemistry +62% (56 to 91) –Physics +34% (29 to 39) –Geosciences +97% (37 to 73)

5 STEM CAP VISION: Statewide Change Systemwide Nature of CSU MSTI Outcomes  Gains among virtually all campuses –Increases have occurred on 20 campuses –12 campuses increased their yearly production by over 50% –8 campuses doubled their production  Gains in second authorizations –8.5% of CSU science candidates earn second authorizations, reducing out-of-field teaching in severe shortage areas  Major gains in middle school mathematics teachers –Foundational level was established in 2004; CSU has already produced over 300 of these new graduates

6 STEM CAP: Special Efforts Geared to Students in Currently Underrepresented, Underserved Groups CSU Math & Science Teachers Serve High Need Schools  44% teach in urban schools  36% teach in schools that have not met their annual API  44% teach in schools with more than half of the students in poverty  91% teach in schools without fully credentialed teaching staff CSU’s new teachers are contributing significantly to overcoming inequities in the distribution of math and science teachers.

7 STEM CAP: Build Support for Value of STEM Education CSU Math & Science Teacher Initiative as National Model CSU’s Initiative has been recognized for its success by:  American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education  National Association of System Heads  Association of Public and Land Grant Universities  US Department of Energy  NASA  National Science Foundation  California Council on Science and Technology  Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning

8 STEM CAP: Comprehensive Financial Support for Future Math & Science Teachers; Combined Credential/Masters CSU Campuses Obtain Noyce Scholarship Funding  NSF Noyce Scholarships now on all 22 CSU campuses  NSF Noyce Master’s/Credential programs on 6 campuses  NSF Noyce Master’s/Credential planning grants on 5 campuses NSF Funding for CSU campuses in 2009-10 was $15,675,000 = 26.1% of federal Noyce Stimulus Act (ARRA) funding NSF Noyce Funding provides up to $30,000 in scholarships for each qualified CSU math/science student pursuing a teaching career and up to $50,000 in fellowship support for students as they pursue a Credential/Master’s and are beginning teachers 8

9 STEM CAP: Collaborative and Strategic Action to Increase Number and Support of California’s STEM Workforce CSU Lessons and Plans and STEM CAP Principles  Dream the Impossible Dream: Shared Vision by Leaders  Nested Transformation: New Relationships to Leverage Resources  We’ve Only Just Begun: Sustained Commitment with Ability to Scale p 9


11 Disclaimer  “This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded under the Workforce Innovation in Regional Development (WIRED) as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The solution was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This solution is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner.”

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