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GPAEA is joining the Through the VAST Center at GWAEA.

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1 GPAEA is joining the Through the VAST Center at GWAEA


3 FOSS 3 rd edition has increased emphasis on student writing and math connections. – The Science Notebook supports the ELA standards. Foss kits allow science to be a context for teaching literacy (reading, writing and speaking). The FOSS 3 rd Edition program reflects the vision of the National K-12 Science Framework with learning progressions that address the disciplinary core ideas, scientific and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts. FOSS 3rd edition strands start at K level, which supports the scaffolding of science concepts. Each FOSS unit includes an outdoor component.

4 VAST Center supplies kits that are fully stocked with hardware and all consumables –kit is complete and ready to teach with materials for 30 students VAST Center offers a one day professional development training session on each kit Formative and Summative Data Pre and Post-Assessments with an electronic option through FOSSmap for grades 3-5 Opportunities for common formative assessment: – through embedded formative assessments – I- Checks (after each investigation) – and in the science notebook through the utilization of the focus questions.

5 GPAEA/VAST First Year Implementation Grant GPAEA is offering a limited number of grants to support district teachers in their first year of implementation by providing the cost of one kit per teacher (approximately $175) up to $1050 per building for the first year of the building's participation.

6 GPAEA/VAST First Year Implementation Grant One goal of the grant is to facilitate collaborative work amongst implementing teachers through: -A vertical alignment within a building, at least 1 teacher at each grade level* implementing the earth and/or life science kit(s) *grade levels are K-2, 3-5 or K-5 OR -A horizontal grade level alignment with all teachers at a specific grade level implementing the earth and/or life science kit(s)

7 For more information on the FOSS Kit Curriculum visit the Delta Education website at: For questions or to request a grant application email

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