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Introduction of Seed Development and Arabidopsis Embryo Development By Bekah Charney and Thi Nguyen HC70AL Spring 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction of Seed Development and Arabidopsis Embryo Development By Bekah Charney and Thi Nguyen HC70AL Spring 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction of Seed Development and Arabidopsis Embryo Development By Bekah Charney and Thi Nguyen HC70AL Spring 2006

2 What is the life cycle of an Arabidopsis Plant? 2n Adult Sporophyte Meiosis n n n n Haploid spores Many mitosis n Adult Gametophyte Mitosis n Gametes 2n Zygote Many Mitosis 2n Adult Sporophyte 2n Adult Sporophyte Meiosis n n n n Haploid spores Many mitosis n Adult Gametophyte Mitosis n Gametes 2n Zygote Many Mitosis 2n Adult Sporophyte

3 How do seeds form during the life cycle of a plant?

4 Double Fertilization of cells leads to seed formation


6 Globular Stage Stage which precedes cotyledon development Embryo proper is spherical Note the suspensor

7 Heart Stage Globular embryo develops into two- lobed form Suspensor acts as an “umbilical cord,” providing nutrients to the embryo.

8 Torpedo Stage Cotyledons and axis grow longer Embryo may remain straight or become curved

9 Mature Embryo Cotyledons curve and provides nutrition to plant, enough to get plant started with photosynthesis Suspensor disappears Endosperm has been used for nutrients and now is used up

10 Mutations that are Lethal Lethal to Zygote Lethal to Gamete Phenotype: live to dead seeds 1:1 Genotype: AA to Aa 1:1 Phenotype: live to dead seeds 3:1 Genotype: AA to Aa 1:2 AA Aa aaa a A A AA Aa aaa a A A

11 Acknowledgements We would like to thank Ria, Jon, XingJun and Tomo for allowing us to use their Nomarski photographs and their assistance in general in helping to make to this presentation We would also like to thank Mike, Brandon, Jessica, the rest of the HC70AL class and Dr. Goldberg for being there for us all quarter!

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