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Eighth Grade Standards-Based Promotion (SBP) Policy 2003-04 Local District G Presented by Donna R. Simien, Intervention Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Eighth Grade Standards-Based Promotion (SBP) Policy 2003-04 Local District G Presented by Donna R. Simien, Intervention Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eighth Grade Standards-Based Promotion (SBP) Policy 2003-04 Local District G Presented by Donna R. Simien, Intervention Coordinator

2 Criteria for Promotion There are three subject areas in which students must meet minimum requirements for promotion to ninth grade – Reading – Mathematics – ESL English Learners in ESL courses must show progress in English Language Development

3 Criteria for Promotion in Reading At or above the 21 st percentile on the CAT/6 reading from the previous year OR a Degrees of Reading Power raw score at or above 52 OR Spring Final Report Card English grade of D or above

4 Criteria for Promotion in Mathematics A score of “basic” or above on the California Standards Test in Mathematics from the previous year OR Spring Final Report Card Mathematics grade of D or above (the above does not apply to English Learners in ESL courses)

5 Criteria for Promotion-English Learners Pass Fall or Spring ESL Block OR Overall CELDT score as follows: Students enrolled inMinimum score ESL 1A/1B1 ESL 2A2 ESL 2B/ESL 33 ESL 44

6 Promotion Criteria for English Learners in the Spanish Bilingual Program Pass Fall or Spring ESL Block OR Overall CELDT score as follows: Students enrolled inMinimum score ESL 1A/1B1 ESL 2A2 ESL 2B/ESL 33 ESL 44 AND Minimum score of 36 on Aprenda (or SABE)

7 Special Education and the SBP Policy Students with disabilities in grade eight are expected to meet grade-level standards and follow the same matriculation requirements as students in the core program, as outlined in Section J of the IEP. Through the IEP process, the individual needs of students are described and appropriate accommodations and/or modifications for instruction, assessment and/or evaluation are determined.

8 Options for Students Not Meeting Promotion Criteria Retention in eighth grade OR Promotion to ninth grade with mandatory intervention(s) as recommended in writing by the teacher

9 Mandatory Intervention (with teacher recommendation – SBP students only) Reading – Developing Readers and Writers (DRW) course Level 1 and/or 2 at high school – Following the completion of the course DRW-ELA Level 1 or 2 will be offered during summer school/intersession

10 Mandatory Intervention (with teacher recommendation – SBP students only) continued Mathematics – A District-mandated Algebra intervention course during summer/intersession after which students will be re-evaluated for promotion/retention determination – Placement in grade 9 mathematics course- Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2 will be dependent upon mark earned in summer/intersession

11 Interventions for English Learners District-mandated 120 hour ESL course in summer school/intersession Placement in subsequent double block ESL course will be dependent upon mark earned – Final determination for promotion/retention is re-evaluated upon completion of summer/intersession

12 Special Education Intervention Same as general education, if child meets appropriate criteria If a student with disability is not progressing toward grade-level standards or the goals and objectives established in the IEP, then an IEP meeting must be convened to consider the need for and benefit of retention

13 SBP Documentation Red folders (kept in cum. record) for students at-risk of not meeting standards for promotion – Include all parent notifications: Fall/Spring (Attachment F); End of Year Letter (Attachment G) or Justification Form (Attachment H) – Standards-Based Promotion Log (Attachment I) – Any forms related to the Appeals Process – Extended Learning/tutoring documentation Enter data into SIS

14 Parent Notification Letter and parent brochure at the start of school Fall and Spring Parent Notification (Attachment F) Final Notification of Retention or Promotion with Mandatory Intervention no later than 2 weeks before the end of school At each reporting period, comments made on SIS that indicate student is not meeting standards

15 Appeals Process Parents may appeal the decision to the school (Attachment J) If parents don’t agree with the school’s decision, they can make a final appeal to the local district (Attachment L)

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