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Third Grade Science 2008-2009 Thitichon Viengpasertsay.

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Presentation on theme: "Third Grade Science 2008-2009 Thitichon Viengpasertsay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Third Grade Science 2008-2009 Thitichon Viengpasertsay

2 There was a paper clip that rose from the surface of the lake.

3 It saw somebody walking down the sidewalk.

4 It went to a hotel.

5 Many Argentine ants are endangered.

6 This is a Distictis flower.

7 They are red and yellow.

8 Cotyledon plants

9 These are two cotyledon plants.

10 This is a diagram of a cotyledon plant.

11 Many cotyledon plants are dying.

12 Fruits and Seeds

13 This is a picture of an orange.

14 Life in Southern California

15 This is a Mastodon Tree Sloth.

16 This is a Saber -Tooth Cat.

17 This is a Ornithopoda.

18 Satellite

19 The Solar System Earth, Moon, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune.

20 Constellations

21 This is a constellation of Orion.

22 Record Grooves

23 Here are some pictures of record grooves.

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