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The impact on students of managing fees and funding University of Exeter Students’ Guild Advice Unit Joanna Thomas – Senior Student Advisor.

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Presentation on theme: "The impact on students of managing fees and funding University of Exeter Students’ Guild Advice Unit Joanna Thomas – Senior Student Advisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 The impact on students of managing fees and funding University of Exeter Students’ Guild Advice Unit Joanna Thomas – Senior Student Advisor

2 Financial impact from a student perspective... - What course and where to study - Where to live - Alternative study options - Understanding entitlement and processes - Extra support on offer - Hardship funds The level of enquiries don’t seem to have changed this year!

3 Sources of Funding Government support: - Tuition Fees Loan – up to £9,000 - Maintenance Grant – up to £3,354 - full grant (£3,354) - household income less than £25,000 - partial grant - household incomes between £25,000 - £42,611 - Maintenance Loan - between £3,575 - £5,000 living outside of London - between £4,988 - £7,675 living in London - between £2,843 - £4,375 living at home - Additional support...

4 Sources of Funding University specific: National Scholarship Programme - fee waivers/bursaries for household incomes below £25,000; varies depending on the University Bursaries - awards for household incomes below £42,611; varies depending on the University Scholarships – - awards for merit (e.g. academic, sport); varies depending on the University Additional support...

5 Exeter National Scholarships – for incomes below £25,000: £2,000 partial fee waivers plus: £2,500 bursary for household incomes below £16,000 £1,500 bursary for household incomes between £16,001 - £20,000 £1,000 bursary for household incomes between £20,001 - £25,000 Access to Exeter bursaries - for incomes above £25,000: £1000 per year – Household income between £25,001 to £35,000 £500 per year – Household income between £35,001 to £42,600 Care leavers: Receive full fee waivers for all years of study and support with additional accommodation costs Scholarships: Academic, sport, music, debating.... University of Exeter Support

6 Additional support for: Students with disabilities Students with children Students with dependants NHS Funded course Teacher Training courses Social Work courses Care Leavers Other sources of funding: Employment Household/parental contribution Bank overdraft Additional grants

7 Important Messages for advisers - Explain support on offer - Explain additional support for specific cases - Explain how, when & who needs to apply - also note if the household income changes by more than 15%, get the student/sponsors to do an year-assessment - Explain repayment terms - Contact us if you need support

8 Important messages for students - Apply early – don’t wait until you have a firm offer - Apply for government funding via - Check on how to apply for University specific funding - Keep in touch with Student Finance – it is your responsibility to notify them if your circumstances change! - Make sure you sign the declaration form - Make sure you give consent to share - Set up a student bank account

9 Thank you for listening Any Questions? Joanna Thomas University of Exeter Students’ Guild

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