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Primary Secondary Vp Np Ns Vs Ip Is.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Secondary Vp Np Ns Vs Ip Is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Secondary Vp Np Ns Vs Ip Is

2 Primary Secondary Vp Np Ns Ip Is Vs

3 Primary Secondary Np Ns Ip Is Vs = Vp

4 Primary Secondary Np Ip Is Ns Vs = Vp

5 Primary Secondary Ip Is Ns Vs = Np Vp

6 Primary Secondary Ip Ns Vs = = Np Is Vp

7 Primary Secondary Ns Ip Vs = = Np Is Vp

8 If you are presented with questions giving you voltage and number of turns then:
Ip Vs = = Np Is Vp

9 If you are presented with questions giving you voltage and number of turns then:
Vs = Np Vp

10 If you are presented with questions giving you current and number of turns then:
Vs = Np Vp

11 If you are presented with questions giving you current and number of turns then:
Ip = Np Is

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