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Learning Links Foundation Inspire Innovate Learn.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Links Foundation Inspire Innovate Learn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Links Foundation Inspire Innovate Learn

2 E nabling E xcellence Dr. Anjlee Prakash

3 3 Challenges in Education Access and Reach Equity and Gender Quality and Effectiveness Relevance and Lifelong Learning Globalization and Technology Cost and Efficiency

4 4 Focus on Quality

5 ICT Interventions - Focus on Quality Leveraging ICT to Achieve and Enhance Quality in Education Integration of Technology in Educational Institutions –ICT Literacy / ICT integrated teaching / learning – pedagogy –MIS using ICT – management, finance & administration –Learning management systems / e-learning Learning’s should be used to bring changes in practice and be used by policy makers for facilitating policy 5

6 6 Importance of Standards and Competencies Need to have quality standards and competencies Institutions Teachers Students Provides for institutional benchmarking Motivates stakeholders towards a common goal Provides clear learning guidelines Aids assessment for all stakeholders

7 7 Education Quality Foundation of India (EQFI) MISSION To catalyze & enable paradigms of excellence in the Indian school education system by using standardized quality benchmarks. VISION Create quality paradigms that lead to organizational excellence Recognize institutions that exhibit performance excellence Rekindle the consciousness of quality at the grassroots level Full service approach to enable transformation of schools Strong advocacy of quality to show the stakeholders that it is in their interest to change

8 8 EQFI : Theoretical Framework Development of well researched & holistic Quality Standards UNESCO framework for quality Malcolm Baldrige Quality Program Scottish Quality Program European Foundation for Quality Singapore Quality Program

9 9 Criteria for School Quality Education Excellence Leadership Student, Stakeholder Focus Student, Stakeholder Focus Process Management Workforce Focus Workforce Focus Results

10 10 EQFI : Current Activities Promotion of Quality through National Level Excellence Awards for Schools –Level based certification –Awards to winning schools Whole School Review Program of schools based on the Quality Standards

11 11 EQFI will work in Advocacy Research Certification Community Publications Forums

12 12 To conclude "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” - Willa A. Foster

13 Thank You

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