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FrontPage 2003 Introduction to Web Site Design Using FrontPage 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "FrontPage 2003 Introduction to Web Site Design Using FrontPage 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 FrontPage 2003 Introduction to Web Site Design Using FrontPage 2003

2 Today We Will… 1.Create web pages that contain text and graphics

3 Today We Will… 2.Organize web pages and graphics into folders

4 Today We Will… 3.Publish web pages to MTSU’s FrontPage or UNIX servers.

5 Take a moment to reflect on your experiences with FrontPage or building web pages. What do you plan to do with your new FrontPage skills? Think about previous experiences

6 Think about what you know about active learning strategies. How can creating web pages fit into the scenario? Turn to a partner and share your knowledge and ideas. Share with the class Introductory Think – Pair - Share

7 Dale’s Cone of Learning

8 Learning Pyramid

9 Take out a sheet of paper and list as many characteristics of good web page design as you can. Focused Listing

10 Brainstorm ideas for using web pages to encourage active learning in your classroom. Start with your clearest thoughts and then move on to those that are kind of out there! Brainstorm

11 Questions?

12 Create 6 - page web site

13 Dynamic Web Templates (DWT) Primary advantage Gives you the ability to change the layout, appearance, colors, and overall design of an existing web simply by attaching a different DWT.

14 Dynamic Web Template (DWT) A highly specialized template having editable and non-editable regions, which attaches to one or more web pages. Web pages having an attached DWT are automatically updated when non-editable regions are revised on the DWT itself. Page specific information is added on a page to page basis within editable regions.

15 Dynamic Web Template Guidelines Acronym - DWTG Guidelines that help webmasters using MTSU’s DWTs the ability to easily change from one DWT to another with relative ease.

16 Attaching DWTs DWTs are "attached" to web pages in FrontPage 2003. The template itself is not "applied" to the page; it is the design of the DWT that is "applied" to the page by attaching the DWT. Within FrontPage 2003, DWTs are attached by selecting Format, Dynamic Web Template, Attach Dynamic Web Template.

17 Detaching DWTs Detaching from a Dynamic Web Template causes the template itself to be "applied" to the page. The page will assume all the characteristics and layout of the DWT, but will no longer contain non-editable regions and will no longer be updated automatically when changes are made to the actual DWT.

18 Regions Region Name: The specific wording used to define each Editable Region on the DWT. The Region names are predefined by DWTG. Editable Region: Any area defined on a DWT which can be modified on a web page having the DWT attached. Editable Regions are predefined by DWTG. Non-editable Region: Everything on the page not specifically defined as an Editable Region. Non- editable regions will appear the same on all web pages having the DWT attached, and may be edited ONLY on the DWT itself.

19 Standardized Names for Editable Regions MTSU Names for Editable Region mainContent rightColumn Standardized names make it possible to easily change DWTs allowing the web page content will appear in the correct location.

20 Code View – Head Section Title Tag – Displays in the top blue bar of the browser. Use standard English, no abbreviated words. Meta Tags - Optional Keywords Description

21 Think about how you might use Dynamic Web Templates in your web site. Turn to a partner and discuss. Share your findings with the large group. Dynamic Web Templates (DWT)

22 Create and apply a Dynamic Web Template to your web site

23 Publishing your web pages FrontPage/Windows Server – best Uses special FP extensions Frank/UNIX Server – works via FTP Does not use FP extensions Need to set UNIX permissions

24 Summarize the most important points in today’s lecture. Two Minute Paper

25 what would it be? If you could ask one last question…

26 Which of the instructional strategies, or FrontPage features, we covered today would you like to try in your own classes/websites? One Last Question…

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