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1st Regional Workshop: Improving National and Regional Disease Surveillance, Monitoring and Reporting Systems Belgrade, Serbia, 15-19 July 2013 FAO Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "1st Regional Workshop: Improving National and Regional Disease Surveillance, Monitoring and Reporting Systems Belgrade, Serbia, 15-19 July 2013 FAO Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 1st Regional Workshop: Improving National and Regional Disease Surveillance, Monitoring and Reporting Systems Belgrade, Serbia, 15-19 July 2013 FAO Technical Cooperation Programme TCP/RER/3402 Assistance to Western Balkan Countries for Improving Compliance to International Standards on Aquatic Animal Health Aquaculture and aquatic disease surveillance in Croatia Ivica Sučec, DVM

2 Aquacuture in Croatia Background of aquaculture production Importance, trends, perspectives Resources

3 Fish and shellfish farms in Croatia (current status)

4 Aquatic animal diseses surveillance Competent authority – Ministry of Agriculture, Veterinary Directorate


6 Legal reference Veterinary Act (OG 41/07, 55/11); Order on measures to protect animals from infectious and parasitic diseases and the financing thereof in 2013 (OG 3/13); Ordinance on the notification of animal diseases (OG 62/11, 114/11). Ordinance on animal health requirements for aquaculture animals and products thereof, and on the prevention and control of certain diseases in aquatic animals (OG 42/08, 36/10) which is fully aligned with Council Directive (EC) No 88/2006 on animal health requirements for aquaculture animals and products thereof, and on the prevention and control of certain diseases in aquatic animals; Ordinance on establishing the sampling plans and diagnostic methods for the detection and confirmation of the presence of the mollusc diseases Bonamiosis (Bonamia ostreae) and Marteiliosis (Marteilia refringens) (OG 142/08) which is fully aligned with Commission Decision 2002/878/EC of 6 November 2002 establishing the sampling plans and diagnostic methods for the detection and confirmation of the presence of the mollusc diseases bonamiosis (Bonamia ostreae) and marteiliosis (Marteilia refringens). Aquatic animal diseses surveillance

7 Legal reference Ordinance on sampling plans and diagnostic methods for the detection and confirmation of certain fish diseases (OG 142/08) which is fully aligned with Commission Decision 2001/183/EC of 22 February 2001 laying down the sampling plans and diagnostic methods for the detection and confirmation of certain fish diseases and repealing Decision 92/532/EEC (Text with EEA relevance); Ordinance on establishing criteria for zoning and official surveillance following suspicion or confirmation of the presence of infectious salmon anemia (ISA) which is fully aligned with Commission Decision 2003/466/EC of 13 June 2003 establishing criteria for zoning and official surveillance following suspicion or confirmation of the presence of infectious salmon anemia (ISA). Ordinance regarding conditions for the placing on the market and the import of aquaculture animals and products thereof and laying down a list of vector species (OG 5/10) which is fully aligned with Commission Regulation (EC) No 1251/2008 of 12 December 2008 implementing Council Directive 2006/88/EC as regards conditions and certification requirements for the placing on the market and the import into the Community of aquaculture animals and products thereof and laying down a list of vector species. Aquatic animal diseses surveillance

8 Legal reference Ordinance on approving national measures of certain member states for limiting the impact of certain diseases in aquaculture animals and wild aquatic animals (OG 98/11) which is fully aligned with Commission Decision 2010/221/EU of 15 April 2010 approving national measures for limiting the impact of certain diseases in aquaculture animals and wild aquatic animals in accordance with Article 43 of Council Directive 2006/88/ECDecision 2010/221/EU Ordinance on guidelines for the purpose of the risk-based animal health surveillance schemes (OG 88/10) which is fully aligned with Commission Decision 2008/896/EC of 20 November 2008 on guidelines for the purpose of the risk-based animal health surveillance schemes provided for in Council Directive 2006/88/EC. Decision 2008/896/EC Ordinance on requirements for quarantine of aquaculture animals (OG 58/12) which is fully aligned with Commission Decision 2008/946 of 12 December 2008 implementing Council Directive 2006/88/EC as regards requirements for quarantine of aquaculture animals. Aquatic animal diseses surveillance ORNAMENTAL!!!!!PROCESSING PLANTS!!!!!

9 Surveillance of pathogens under the National Pathogen List During 2010., 2011. and 2012. targeted surveillance programs have been conducted on fish farms with susceptible species to Viral Hemorrhagic septicemia, Infectious hematopoietic necrosis, Koi herpes virus disease and on mollusc production areas with susceptible species on Infection with Bonamia ostreae and Infection with Marteilia refringens. Purpose of targeted surveillance programs on VHS/IHN, KHV and Infection with Bonamia ostreae is to declare disease free status on farms/mollusc production areas. Regarding Infection with Marteilia refringens, aim of the program is to monitor disease distribution and prevalence on each production area. Aquatic animal diseses surveillance

10 Available resources/capacities (disease reporting, diagnostics, outbreak investigation, emergency response) Aquatic animal diseses surveillance



13 No. Results of mollusc surveillance programsMarteiliosisBonamiosis Production areaNo. of zonesNo. of farms201020112012201020112012 1Limski zaljev48negposneg n/s 2Malostonski zaljev14166neg 3Medulinski zaljev03negposn/sn/a neg 4Modrić-Seline05neg n/a 5Novigradsko more24neg n/sn/a 6Pirovački zaljev02negn/snegn/a 7Ra š ki zaljev07pos negn/a 8Savudrijska vala03pos negn/a 9U š će rijeke Krke633neg n/sn/a 10Uvala Budava03pos n/sn/a 11Uvala Sobra na Mljetu01neg n/a 12Uvala Stara Povljana02negn/sneg 13Vabriga29negposnegn/a n/s

14 Aquatic animal disease diagnostics National reference laboratory – Croatian Veterinary Institute The national reference laboratory for aquatic animal diseases is the Croatian Veterinary Institute Zagreb - Department for Pathology, Laboratory for Fish Pathology and Diagnostics. Laboratory participates in proficiency tests organized by EC Reference laboratory for Mollusc Diseases and EC Reference Laboratory for Viral Fish Diseases. Laboratory have two accredited methods: Virological fish tests on cell cultures EPC and BF-2 Identification of Viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA)

15 Strengths and weaknesses Weaknesses – –No pre movement notification –No “recirculation system” farms – diseases affect wild population – hard to eradicate –FISH DIVERSITY - Carp ponds stocked with vector species for VHS !!! –“Regional zoning” – whole region is in two watersheds –No criteria for quarantine facilities, none of the facilities can fulfill current EU criteria –No facilities for fish slaughter for diseease control purposes

16 Strenghts So far, good epi. situation Skilled personel – laboratorie, official vets, inspection, authorised veterinarians Trageted surveillance implemented for 4 years Clear goals for competent authority Strengths and weaknesses

17 Opportunities and threats New species farmed, new epidemiological challenges !!!

18 VHS outbreak_CROATIA_2013

19 Epidemiological research 1 farm with confirmed case of VHS – reported to OIE, EC –Grow out for human consumption –Fishery products sold to Zagreb region –Current 23,000 t of trout + 30 carp –Juvenile fish brought from two Croatian farms – large farms with broodstock (hatcheries) –Another small farm on same river –Measures lifted on all farms, sampling, movement control, inspection on fish transporter – determing routes of movement, disinfection records, sampling on his farm of susceptible species

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