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1 PROGRESS REPORT Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle Management Board 19 June 2007.

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1 1 PROGRESS REPORT Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle Management Board 19 June 2007

2 2 SCIENCE AFC - adopted 12 opinions, of which 9 on Flavouring Groups. Of these 3 opinions covered 52 substances AHAW - Adopted 4 opinions, 2 related to blue tongue, 1 on Newcastle disease, 1 on Avian Influenza vaccines. Received mandate on seal killing and skinning BIOHAZ - Opinion on the assessment of likely infectivity in Specified Risk Materials (SRM) derived from different age groups estimated by back calculation modelling. Scientific Panels:

3 3 SCIENCE CONTAM – Statement on melamine (deadline 10 days), recommending TDI of 0,5 mg/kg b.w. per day for humans and domestic animals FEEDAP - Invitation from SCAN WG on guidelines for new feed additives GMO Panel - MON 863: The reply to the request from the Commission is in the final stages. EFSA received input from Member States, received clarification on the paper by Seralini et al and conducted its own analysis

4 4 SCIENCE NDA - Public consultation launched 16 May on draft opinion on “Scientific and technical guidance for preparation and presentation for application for authorisation of health claim” PPR - Opinion on acute dietary intake assessment of pesticides in fruit and vegetables PLH – 30 questions from Commission related to pest risk assessment in France (DOM)

5 5 SCIENCE EFSA received a request from the European Commission related to the implications of live cloned animals. Question allocated to Scientific Committee Working group will prepare a draft opinion by the end of the year In addition EFSA has launched a request for scientific contributions and peer reviewed data from Third Parties, which could be useful for the preparation of the opinion Public consultation on the draft opinion foreseen in Autumn. EFSA’s Stakeholder Consultative Platform will also be involved in the consultation process Cloning

6 6 SCIENCE Advisory Forum meeting 29 June in Bratislava will discuss proposal to establish Focal Points in Member States Focus on data gathering and transfer of information EFSA Steering Group on Cooperation agreed new mandate for a Scientific Cooperation Working Group on safety assessment on botanicals and botanical preparations Cooperation with Member States:

7 7 SCIENCE Cooperation with Member States: Mandates for scientific cooperation projects to be discussed at Advisory Forum EFSA internal task force preparing status report on risk assessment of nanoparticles

8 8 EXTERNAL RELATIONS Visit on 4 April to Lisbon to discuss cooperation during the Portuguese Presidency (July – December) Visit to Irish Food Safety Authority, 21-22 May

9 9 EXTERNAL RELATIONS Events & Conferences: Open Day event of the European institutions, 5 May in Brussels JRC-Open Day on 12 May in Ispra, Italy International conference in cooperation with CIHEAM on “Identity, Quality and Safety of Mediterranean Food Products”, 5-6 June 2007 in Parma 5th Anniversary: Europe Day celebrations (Comune and Provincia di Parma), 8-10 May in Parma EFSA and food safety in the EU: achievements and challenges - Rome, 7 June 2007 - Istituto Superiore di Sanità

10 10 EXTERNAL RELATIONS Informal Chief Veterinary Officers (CVO) meeting in Dresden (Germany) on 11th May to present EFSA's work on Blue Tongue Invitation by German Presidency to take part at 24 May Council Working Group on Agriculture matters/Pesticides and present EFSA's work on the peer-review risk assessment of pesticides

11 11 EXTERNAL RELATIONS Invitation by the German Presidency to a working lunch with the COREPER to present EFSA's Strategy for Networking and Scientific Co-operation with Member States (13 June)

12 12 HUMAN RESOURCES Until 1st June 2007



15 15 COMMUNICATIONS Industry welcomes EFSA guidance but gaps still remain

16 16 COMMUNICATIONS Web news stories on: animal health and welfare and environment; QRA on the residual BSE risk in sheep; use of the nptII gene as a selectable marker in GM plants; First call under Art. 36: Salmonella in pigs; avian influenza vaccines in domestic poultry La EFSA recopila información sobre carne procedente de animales clonados

17 17 COMMUNICATIONS EFSAnews 15 EFSA Scientific Colloquium Summary Report N°5: Food-Based Dietary Guidelines Brochure: Zoonoses in the European Union in 2005. Reprint to meet requests in 4 languages plus Croatian and Turkish

18 18 Joint events EFSA – Italian Ministry of Health Rome 7 June 2007

19 19 Thank you!

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