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Introduction Mitu S Shultana Clinical Psychologist Sbrana Psychiatric Hospital Lobatse, Botswana.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Mitu S Shultana Clinical Psychologist Sbrana Psychiatric Hospital Lobatse, Botswana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction Mitu S Shultana Clinical Psychologist Sbrana Psychiatric Hospital Lobatse, Botswana

2 Qualification B.Sc on Psychology from University of Dhaka M.Sc on Clinical Psychology from University of Dhaka Practicing as a clinical psychologist in Sbrana Psychiatric Hospital in Botswana since September, 2009.

3 Becoming a Psychology student First time came to know about psychology in my higher secondary study (HSC, i.e., Grade 12). Psychology student: Got admitted as Psychology Student in 2000-2001 session at Dhaka University. It was a four years honors degree. In my first year of Psychology study I mostly learnt about different psychological concepts and theories. 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th year studied Developmental Psychology, Experimental psychology, cognitive psychology and psychology related to different subjects like sociology, anthropology, statistics, biological basis of psychology.

4 Steps of being Clinical Psychologist Clinical psychology: I got admitted in Clinical psychology for my master degree after my B.Sc. honors in psychology degree. I was trained on CBT. I did my internship as an intern clinical psychologist at a Govt. Hospital (BSMMU) and at the Dhaka University Student Counseling and Guidance Centre. I worked as a TOT with Red Crescent for SIDR survivors. It was my first experience to work with community people.

5 Steps…Continue I applied for the job as a Clinical Psychologist in Botswana in 2009. After passing written examination and verbal interview, I was recruited as a Clinical Psychologist for Botswana. Botswana Experience: I was posted in a psychiatric hospital, so it was a great experience to work with both In and Out patient, working in a multi- disciplinary team (psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse, social worker, medical officer, occupational therapist, dietitian, pharmacist, physiotherapist ). In conducting my psychological assessments and interventions on Botswana clients, I had to be aware about the people and culture of Botswana. In my 5 years’ working experience in Botswana, I have emerged as a trans- cultural clinical psychologist, coming from a conservative Bangladeshi cultural background. Psychology related education to stakeholders Involve in making and implementing different policies and procedure Risk management coordinator in the department

6 challenges Using translator Not enough psychologist Psychological services only available in some referral and district hospitals. No standardize psychometric test

7 Conclusion It is my hope that through the development of cross-cultural understanding of human mind and behavior, I aspire to end up becoming an international clinical psychologist beyond national borders in the years to come.

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